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Everything posted by stuntman

  1. a bit of history? From ACIG.org: "Namely, one of the RLAF T-28 pilots at the time – and one described by the US instructors as the “most aggressive” of all – was Lt. Chert Saibory, a former RTAF-pilot, who defected to Laos in 1960. Chert initially offered his services to Kong Le, but was turned down. Remaining in Vientianne, Chert then joined the RLAF - once Gen. Phoumi returned to power - and flew many combat sorties but was never promoted in rank. For unclear reasons, in September 1963 Chert decided to defect once more and during an airshow that was to be staged over Savannakhet he flew his T-28 away from the rest of formation – to North Vietnam. Instead of commissioning him in their air force the North Vietnamese imprisoned Chert: several months later his T-28 was refurbished and – serialled “963”, in commemoration of the date when it was acquired – became the first fighter aircraft of the Vietnam People’s Air Force (VPAF)." http://www.acig.info/CMS/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=237&Itemid=47 Pilots Nguyen Van Ba and Le Tien Phuoc flew it to shoot down a US C-123 over Laos in 1964.
  2. WIP French MedEvac and RLAF UH-34. This little helo is a very interesting topic
  3. Hey Old Diego, you should start doing mods on your own again. Your O-1 is for sure one of the finest payware out here, and you textures in YAP are really good
  4. in fact, i'm playing all my YAP missions on a june 2010 SF2V install. It's much smoother that WOV, and allow me to use the latest mods with it
  5. Same here, i guess we would need a 3D guru on this one. On the other hand, i could make a mock CH54tank using TK's BLU1.lod and a quick paintjob. what's bugging me is that in each helo pack, there are helos which are already sold in YAP packs. So, buying the same thing twice? I've bought a couple of helo packs, but i don't think i'll buy more
  6. There is indeed a BLU-82 that might be adapted to BLU-82helo, using the proper data ini from YAP. The tanks call for CH54Tank PS: Why the hell didn't they release these ******* weapons! Also, i found that many helos have "exhaust smoke misalignment" for the CH46: i suggest you disable exhaust for engine 1, and enter the following exhaust position for each engine engine 2: ExhaustPosition=-0.5,-5.0,1.0 engine 3: ExhaustPosition=0.5,-5.0,1.0 working on the others
  7. Speaking of YAP new choppers, any idea where to get the BLU-82helo and tanks of the CH-54??
  8. I have a merge version which is up to date, and use also a standalone SF2V version at june 2010, to get the ol' good clouds
  9. Is it me or only FSX product got the discount? No big SF2 sale here?
  10. Hi guys. I'm just quickly making a skin, and would like to know the name of this mesh for placing decals on it (ie squadron name). (see screenshot below) I tried things like Airbrake_R, and Airbrake_Right, with no luck
  11. haha that's why i gave up on DCS
  12. the new su-27 for mobile game inspired me
  13. TK would do a ton of $$$ if he would release this in a new AI PC DLC
  14. The A-1E is nice, and looks like the f-102 really worth it. Speaking of Razbam, wasn't a super sale supposed to come any days soon? ps: razbam A-1e in a YAP mission

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