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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. Another Nuclear Threat

    Does Lula even want to make a nuke sub?
  2. Now this is an interesting idea...
  3. If you want it work in WoV try adding INSIGNIA256 instead of INSIGNIA in the decals.ini, this is the number of the insignia in the game. Dhimar isn't avalible in WoV and WoE, but it's markings are in the objectdata.cat file.
  4. Happy B'arfday to

    Yes, eels are an infidels favorite :)
  5. Happy B'arfday to

    Can we atleast have a war then? :)
  6. Infidel of the week

    Ah, yes good choice, he makes a good infidel...
  7. Happy B'arfday to

    I belive Combat Ace will be invaded in search of weapons for mass destruction (don't worry guys, I hid them very well).
  8. Happy B'arfday to

    Happy birthday!
  9. The best sim in town...

    In other words, i's better o just use the stock planes and not fiddle with the game (this is a rule I apply to all games that don't support mods).
  10. Which type of song?

    That was disturbing.
  11. Ehh...this is Wolfpack Lead, i'm surrounded by a number of...ehh...glowing UFOs..please advise... Say what aircraft are you flying in the screenshots?
  12. Seeing as the F-110A "Wraith" is off the production line. I've been thinking of a name that could suit the swing-wing phantom. Seeing as it changes it's shape (well in a way) it could get the name "Shapeshifter" or something along those lines. I mean shapeshifting is along the lines of the supernatural, right? :)
  13. Which type of song?

  14. The best sim in town...

    What is Open Falcon anyway, a free addon for Falcon 4.0?
  15. I hope the damage is not too great. He did say he had them backed up, right?
  16. Here's my problem, the F-15 has no weapons pre-loaded for strike missions (in other words the loadout that comes with the weapons pack has no weapons set for strike missions), i'm wondering what do i have to add to the loadout ini? I've tried adding the line from the original loadout, but it didn't work: Loadout[03].WeaponType=GBU-10C Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=GBU-10C Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Loadout[05].Quantity=1
  17. Thanks wrench, that's very interesting.
  18. Which type of song?

    Rock and Heavy metal, although there are some songs from other types that i like. As for time, i don't know. Band that i like? Iron Maiden, ACDC, Joe Satriani and a couple more.
  19. I never noticed any problems, anyway, where is the file?
  20. Competition with Prize Money to be made!

    There's also Ace combat X for the PSP and Ace Combat Advance for the gameboy advanced, so that brings about 9. Anyway, i only played two and three on a PSX emultor using my gamepad, i rather liked the third part. Also, there are a joystick and throttle set avalible for the AC6 game, so they would probably use that. Now that would be awesome.

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