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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. Tomorrow war

    This looks like a interesting game.
  2. So there is a naval mig-29, that's what i was wondering... Where can i find it?
  3. questions

    So how are we going to choose aircraft in the campaing, is it going to depend on the squadron we chose at the beggining or are we going to fly all kinds of aircraft during the campaing?
  4. Wait, if it doesen't have an arrestor hook, why does it have navy colours (does any mig-29 have an hook at all)?
  5. What's it's name (send it on my PM if it's not for ze forumz).
  6. Parachuting pilots

    Looks nice.
  7. I wish to register a complaint!

    'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
  8. I'm wondering which is the highest rank in WOE?
  9. WoE looks like this: Now when i compare the two, I like WoE menus more, they look "cleaner" and less clutered, also i rather like the blue colours.
  10. If you can poke around the file where the ranks are why not just remove everything above Colonel (or whatever is the highest active rank) and simply have it like that. Also, MannieB., is that the default menus for Strike Fighters, becouse it looks a lot better (and more in the theme) than WoE?
  11. I wish to register a complaint!

    PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?
  12. Well the game is avalable for free download on the-underdogs if anyone wants to play it, all you need is DosBox and it will run just fine.
  13. I wish to register a complaint!

    Norwegen blue wonderful plumage...
  14. I depends on the situation and when i fire it, they sometimes miss, sometimes hit.
  15. I really liked Total Air War, i don't know how realistic that game was, but it was fun and you got to fly the F-22.
  16. World in Conflict

    Hey it's an F-5E with an explosion in the backround! :)
  17. Yeah, that too. I guess several years from now these planes will be realisticly modeled, but until then...
  18. I don't have anything against the planes, i for instance love the F-16. And the A-10 is a great airfcraft. But, I want a little more aircraft in flight sims and not just the same old. Zurawski, that never occured to me. That must be the reason.
  19. I really don't get why developers keep using the same old planes, i read somewhere that when there finnished with Black Shark for LOMAC there going to make an f-16 and A-10 sim. I don't want to fly those planes i want to fly the Eurfighter, Raptor, F-35, Rafale.....
  20. So what do i need to get to the final rank, i'm currently a Lieutenant General.
  21. We're...

    Hello Polly, Polly (bangs it against counter) Polly Parrot, wake up! Polly!
  22. Looks like and interesting plane.

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