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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. I'm looking for the classic F-86 saber, not the F-86D with the big nose. I've noticed that the F-86F is what I'm looking for, it dosen't have any missles so it's just a dogfight with guns. Unfortunatly I can't seem to find it, i've checked the WIP list and it says that the F-86F is released, but i can't find it anywhere.
  2. questions

    Will the Argenitne pilots talk in Spanish?
  3. No it isn't patched. Yeah that's right the runways are there, but i'm not in the right place.
  4. CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat
  5. DANOS005.JPG

    Who's markings are those?
  6. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    Now i've seen everything...
  7. I have a problem with this terrain, all the aircraft seem to be piled up in the center of the runway and pointing at diffrent directions, instead of me being on the runway and my wingman waiting to taxi on the runway.
  8. Anime Music Videos

    Well i watched it on Youtube, someone put up all the episodes (there are 5).
  9. This reminds me of the Israeli F-15 that got it's wing blown off after a colision with an A-4 and the pilot manged to land it.
  10. Anime Music Videos

    It's a prequel to the Macross saga, it's set during the UN war, i think one year before SDF Macross.
  11. Anime Music Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQociBLRfds Here's a really good one.
  12. So, best book ever?

  13. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    You knwo how those armoured up horses in the middle ages looked like? Think smaller , donkey and maybe a bit more modern. :)
  14. Multi-player

    One more thing you have to have the same install as everyone else, either the same mods or no mods at all. And the latest patch.
  15. Happy Birthday Madjeff

    Happy birthday!
  16. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    Atleast in Serbia our donkeys have armor.
  17. This looks very interesting, I never watched the original Macross/Robotech series, i've only watched Macross Zero and Macross Plus (which both do have some interesting aircraft), still looking forward to flying this, looks like cool plane.
  18. Very nice, I completly forgot how the Anti-UN fighters looked like. Reminds me of a skinny F/A-18 (when you look at upfront).
  19. how to...

    Well from what i know you select bombs (and other a-g weapons) using the \ button
  20. What? I've seen 60 meg files in the downloads, there must be something wrong. Anyway i turned off the music in WOE, don't really miss it either.
  21. how to...

    While were asking F-4 questions whats the best way to dodge SAM missles, couse i don't have any countermeasuers to help.
  22. Why Why Why Why Why?

    Unfortunatly for some people that time never comes. From which coutnry are you?

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