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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. Version


    Federal Republic of Yugoslavia/Serbia and Montenegro Air Force Mig-21MF This is a kind of "what if". Asfar as I know the FRY Air Force didn't have MFs, they were probably retired. This skin follows the idea that they continued their service in the FRY Air Force and later the Serbia and Montenegro Air Force. Simply put in your Mig-21MF folder and select YUG/SCG from the list of skins. -Wolf65
  2. Sweet, the one with the saber almost looks like FSX.
  3. I don't have the HUD seen in the screenshot, i just have the regular one, does anyone know where i could find it?
  4. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I think i can "blame" youtube, becouse a WOE video i found mentioned column5.us, from there i think i wound up on CA.
  5. Zombies ahead

    Shotgun time!
  6. Not only that, but a lot of other modern aircraft function without problems (the SU-27 for instance). Yes, there are some limitations to how precicely you can model the aircrafts avionics, but it works.
  7. Just saw Dante at Hardsoft in TV

    Great to see it's getting close to relese!
  8. starfighter2, do you know by any chance if there were any plans to expand the facility to house newer aircraft (i mean we couldn't use 21 forever)?
  9. I first read about it in a Serbian magazine called Aero, always find it interesting.
  10. Personal Super Computers!

    You know, i'm really interested how much that thing eats...
  11. Personal Super Computers!

  12. Well there currently isn't a bis model avalable, there was a modified MF that was made by gerald14 through ini edits to bis standards that could use these skins, but it was removed. So that's one way to make it. The skins do work on the Wings over Israel Mig-21Bis mainly becouse it uses the mig-21MF model. One could use the ini files from there to "transfer" the aircraft to wings over europe, just put in the needed skins and have a yugoslav bis.
  13. As for the Mig-21MFs these two skins might help: SFRY Air Force http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6329 FRY Air Force http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6348 I made these to out of fun to play around with photoshop, I'm not much of a skinner, anyway you are free to use them in the campaing.
  14. Kennedy Assassination

    Wow, that's really a professional look at debunking.
  15. F-4E Phantom Kfir C2 Mig-21MF
  16. I had no problems. Open it with WinRaR and unpacked everything, then just put the cockpits i wanted. Have you tryed downloading it again? EDIT: strange, i redownloaded it and the file is broken.

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