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Posts posted by Zurawski

  1. Being a cheddar-head...  I'm quit happy to see Kentucky goes down.



    That said... referees were flipping atrocious and both teams suffered because of it.

  2. Not dead... just long in the tooth.  


    It's still has one of the most active core mod communities and the quality of the mods continues to elevate literally with every release.  That said, time marches on... folks lose interest and seek new pastures to graze in...


    At the end of the day that community holds itself and Strike Fighters together pretty well when you consider how many others have dissipated like a fart in the wind.  :happy:

    • Like 2

  3. Zur, you know, as a Modder, you can upload the Max files and any other source material (skins, templates, uvmaps, etc) to the Modders Depository


    It's a secure area of the site, ONLY accessable to modders

    Actually..  No I didn't.  (Show's how much I pay attention these days)  I'll get this thing packaged up and I'll throw it on there with hopes that one of these young-bucks (Be that literally or figuratively) takes the girl to the dance...


    Thanks bud!

    Is slightly different to F Sabres right? I mean the fuselage looks stubbier.

    Actually it's slightly longer but also is thicker vertically in the fuselage (to accommodate the bigger engine) thus the "beefier" profile.

  4. Any news on this one?



    let's see here... lets do the math...


    last post was December 2011, and it's almost July 2014......


    ... carry the 6, divide by 3.14159,......


    I'd say none




    Sadly guys this birds been languishing in a beige folder out of pure unadulterated lack of ambition...


    I've got LOD 1 all done and after a HD crash and recovery (Yes, I backed up thank God) I just lost all interest in modelling...  Hell, I never even re-installed MAX.


    I'd like to say I'm bound and determined to get it going again but I'm also a realist and I know where my interest level lies... sorry.


    That said, if anyone is interested in picking up the torch and carrying it the rest of the way... PM me and I'll be more than happy to share the files with you.


    I love the bird and it quite honestly is a freaking beautiful model and I'd hate to not see it graces the skies.

    • Like 2

  5. It did not disappoint. Good story and good action. Worth the $9.50 I spent and this is someone who hadn't been to a movie theater in years. 



    I hate it when people post so much information it ruins the movie.


    Motor mouth.   :blum:

  6. Hey all,


    Okay...  been AWOL for quite some time now and I'm re-introducing myself to all the lovely stuff available to add back in.


    Here's my quandary...  I'm not necessarily a Pokemon plane collector, but at the same time I do so enjoy the cornucopia available to me.


    As such, I typically like to at least have one each of something but not necessarily every conceivable variant to grace the skies...


    What do you good folk do?   Do you all typically install everything or are you selective and if selective...  How do you decide what to install and what not?


    Seeking advice.   :biggrin:

  7. I don't know If I get drunk,pop on Strike fighters and have a porno on audio only I bet my experience would be similar  :wink:   

    Well...  That and you'd have to place a garrett around your neck to simulate the onset of blacking out and...


    On second thought.... I'm not sure I want to venture any further  into your intoxicated porno-flight simulation fetish.  :scare: 




    Hi Zurawski!


    If you're still reading, is there any chance you could fix the shape of the nose :angel:


    Flying the sabres a lot since KAW mods came out, thought it was just me, but looks like there's some love for the 50s here...

    What's wrong with my nose? LOL!


    The Sabres were created back in the early stages of Strike Fighters and were compliant with the poly-count guidelines at that time. As such the areas (such as the nose) were a concession between maintaining poly-count and object shape.


    In order to re-shape / soften the angular breaks on the intake would require quite a bit of cutting and pushing vertices around to give it a "pretty mouth" (strike the banjo) and would further be complicated in that the gun-ports are cut-outs that would requires some serious re-work if the original geometry of nose were to change lest the smoothing groups would be completely hosed.


    Long and short... Someday?.. Maybe. Right now?... bigger job than what I've got time for.

  9. Sometimes you need to add faces to convex surfaces before you cut, especially in convex areas and or areas where you're transitioning from a hard edge into a convex area ...


    Trick I use when cutting gun ports and air brakes is to detach the polys of and around the the area I need to cut then sub-divide or tessellate, make the cut then go back and snap-weld it back in and clean up superfluous vertices leaving the extra faces necessary to keep my surface tension clean.

  10. Personally I'm mildly put-off by the soft blue hues which are a little passive for the hard-arses around these parts...


    Next thing they'll be commenting on your "pretty mouth" and drawing parallels to the equivalent worth of your being and that of a new set of snow tires. :shok:

    • Like 2

  11. War is about attrition... The side that can inflict greatest damage to the enemy with the least amount of collateral, military and civilian loss it the winner.


    The F-22 ensures full and complete air superiority...


    The premise of "more-than-enough" is a feel good sentiment born from a society that has lost appreciation for the freedom born from complacency.




    Understood and agreed.


    I've not bought into the DCS Kool-Aid just yet and still want to get the Hawg off my project list, so I'm not going anywhere soon...


    That said, the recent FS community discourse and subsequent fall-out... TK's waning involvement / communication and the at present time cessation of PC related DLC, one can't help but feel the icy grip of the Ferryman pulling SF into his boat for one last cruise before being decommissioned.


    Admittedly... I've been side-tracked by Mechwarrior: Online for months now, so I'm not feeling it as intimately as some members I've been PM'ing with.

  13. The idea to position tk on the mobile market is hopefully a businnes plan to provide income for the pc market games.


    I hate to say it especially being such a fan of the game and all it's given me... But I suspect TK's mobile market strategy is ultimately and "exit strategy:... :cry:


    Michael Harrison did the same thing when he abandoned SDOE for the console market.

  14. Assuming BSOD were not prevalent prior to this recent issue, I would hazard that the more likely culprit to be bad drivers, corrupt Windows bit somewhere on your hard-drive or a thermal issue due to dust-bunnies or a failing fan.


    As previously mentioned, a thorough cleaning (make sure to check your fan blades as build-up on them slows then down, thus diminishing their ability to disparate heat) heat sinks and air holes / vents ... Then scan / fix your HD to make sure no bad bits... I would not be surprised in finding them considering the number of times you've crashed. Lastly refresh all your drivers, in particular sound and video drivers. These two are the most notorious ones for invoking BSOD.


    Good luck and good hunting!


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