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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. If I have to vote for only one item... I vote for poontang... Fine, okay... I'll stop being an asshat. I have to give props where props are due: Mirage Factory A-7 Corsair II ...IMHO, the first mod to approach MSFS level of detail.
  2. Despite the fact that SF2 really offers me nothing new, I purchased it to support Thirdwire... TK had rolled updates into all Thirdwire itterations from day one... at no cost to us. At a paultry $20.00, it's the least I can do to see to it he and Thirdwire stays around a little longer... I got dragged into Thirdwire sims kicking and screaming... All these years later, I haven't wavered since. I feel quite comfy right where I'm at thank-you.
  3. Wasen't there a big bad-ass what-if bird someone made for the MSFS series that was "supposed to be converted oveer to the thirwire engine at one time that looked like that elongated diamond-shaped one?
  4. WHAT!? I'll have you know that I am anti-establishment... The day I sign the Labor group card for the Kodan Armada is that day I wear a set of falsies and a skirt! ... wait... I already did that didn't I?
  5. BIG thanks and KUDOS for getting this corrected... I can model (though some may dispute this)... but when doing the .ini dance, I have two left feet. Now if one of you intrepid souls can find the right perameter to get the wing-sweep to happen around 850 knots... :blush2:
  6. Useless Factoid of the day

    Beer is made by fermentation cause by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating. In other words, it's a nice tall glass of bacteria doo-doo. A bowl of lime Jell-O, when hooked up to an EEG machine, exhibited movement which is virtually identical to the brain waves of a healthy adult man or woman. Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west. Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year. In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket. (Anyone see a pattern developing re: Kentucky?) More... When Coca-Cola began to be sold in China, they used characters that would sound like "Coca-Cola" when spoken. Unfortunately, what they turned out to mean was "Bite the wax tadpole". The right side of a boat was called the starboard side due to the fact that the astronavigators used to stand out on the plank (which was on the right side) to get an unobstructed view of the stars. The left side was called the port side because that was the side that you put in on at the port. This was so that they didn't knock off the starboard. Pokemon stands for "pocket monster." The Chinese ideogram for 'trouble' depicts two women living under one roof'.
  7. Useless Factoid of the day

    Blue whales have the largest penis of any living mammal, measuring 10 feet long and 1 foot in diameter... ... wait, was this meant to only pertain to military factoids? "never-mind"
  8. When Dave Gets Bored

    "Me"... <<Zur goes and hides under his tinfoil hat before another instant messaging troll infects his PC>>
  9. Nope.. wait... <<cough>> P.11c Nope I see no pattern here.
  10. <<cough>>.. Sabres..<<cough.cough>>.. Osprey.. <<cough>>.. Talon ...cough.
  11. OMG!

    Are you serious? For most of us the small voice of common sense would have kicked in and informed us that posting our "significant other", on a format as wide-reaching as the world-wide-web, is asking for public humiliation... Worse yet, because of the anonymity of said internet... It can, is, and shall always be a callous and unfeeling beast. In short... You better have a "set" the size of beach balls and you need to be prepared to weather some severely harsh critisism... no matter how luscious your "significant other" is. I seriously doubt our comments require psychoanalytical analysis or some deep introspective.
  12. OMG!

    Apparently there is no subtle way to let someone know their squeeze is a troll... Between the teeth, eyes/makeup, and the skeleton'esk physique... I'm wavering between an uncontrolled shudder or violently vomiting. Let this be a lesson to you all... Unless your woman (or man for our lady members..) is above an 8 on a 1-10 scale (and this has to be confirmed by a non-bias source)... DO NOT POST HER PICTURE ON THE INTERNET!!!
  13. I'm noticing a recent trend of "quality" -vs- "quantity" with mod releases. Now don't get me wrong... I appreciate and welcome all new projects, it's just refreshing to see mod-makers taking the time to make complete project releases... IMHO, we are reaching a turning point where our projects are approaching MSFS high-detail levels and to this old bird dog, it's a welcome sight. Read nothing into this... I'm just extending "kudos" to those who are bringing us these high quality projects.
  14. Agreed. Actually, if you look at Thirdwires recent releases, as well as patch releases... You'll see a fairly steady ramp of quality over the previous itterations. IMHO, I beleive TK pays close attention to what the community does with these games and guages what is an acceptable level of advancement / improvement to build into the next patch / project. Quite literally we the community are his test-bed for potential growth and advancement...
  15. By the threads title... I thought a nude picture of me made it onto the web.
  16. F-86H

    Yes ... But you'll see a -3 first.
  17. F-86H

    Modest?.... Me?! Naw, I just continue to learn new/better ways of doing stuff for this game and I know future itterations will only be that-much-better...
  18. F-86H

    Nope... If I did the benefactor would strike me down with his great Fury...
  19. F-86H

    I'm working on a couple contracted projects right now, but "yes" the H is on the project list. It'll be a high-fidelity model... higher detail than the previous Sabre itterations, so it will be high-quality project.
  20. "No boss... I had no idea what it was really!... What's that?... How would I know what a realistic number of polygons would a fairly accurate weenier be comprised of!?"
  21. Testicals? Two... wait...one... oops, yup two.
  22. You'll thank your lucky stars for it when you start doing hard-core Henti video shorts... (Did I say that out loud?)
  23. Thinking... (Yes I was painful) Anyone though to whip up (I make sound so easy..) a Hawaii terrain? Thinking logically, it and it's surrounding water body would be about the right size to do for a Thirwire sim... and it has all the amenities that would make it a good choice.... airfields.... naval base... mountains and raviens... Just food for thought to the power that know WTF they're doing...
  24. Correct way to eat a Burger?

    Utensils!? Hell, I don't use them things for half the food "normal" people eat with them.... IMHO, all "whole meat foods".. ie burgers, hot-dogs, steak, chicken... should be picked with your hands and gnawed at like frick'n wild animal. ... Anything else would be uncivilized
  25. I was backed up this afternoon... then I took a dump and feel much better. ... Personally, I hate it when I back up... and Dave's constant reminders to do so, makes me all too uncomfortable...

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