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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. ...And choking on my Sabre... what ever that means.
  2. LOL! I do have an eclectic side to me when it comes to the airframes I model... No vacation... I've been chained to the grind-wheel and have commited to a couple projects already... Damn slave drivers!
  3. Easiest method is to come in to the stern in VTOL mode... I use a tick of forward nacelle to keep the speed around 40-45 knots to keep or be a hair faster than the carrier... You can bring the Osprey to a zero-speed hover no problem, but then your trying to time your drop on the deck... I perfer to chase it and fly into the landing. Kreelins video shows this perfectly...
  4. Thanks SD... From you means a lot! I don't suppose you know someone who would like to improve my 3rd grade crayola paint job do ya?
  5. It is a more difficult landing... though once you get it... it's well worth the effort. someone here did a You-tube vid of a Carrier landing... Me? I can do it in my sleep...
  6. Re: So whens the release date on the Attack Variant then? "Soon"... I've got the basic changes layed-out, just need to model/map a few things.
  7. Must... fight... urge... to... make... sexual... innuendo comment...
  8. Thanks Dave... You realize what this mean though? So much for my care-free summer schedule! LOL!
  9. It is the alpha-channel glitch indeed... The props on the Osprey utilize apha heavily to obtain the prop-blur and blade-strobe effect
  10. AFIK the troopers have to be inserted from Capuns C-47 package... (It's been so long I don't know where half he stuff I have in my installs came from)
  11. FYI... Try flying at night for a little "cockpit treat"
  12. Well... If you have the Capuns C-47 installed you can do troop drops..., if your resourceful, you can configure it drop the MOAB and the Daisy-cutter... Other than that... it just a pretty bird to fly around in. now the soon-to-be-release MV/A-22 is a different story all together.... :yes:
  13. Cool! Your pic even looks like I'm admiring your handy work.... We can stick with D.Zurawski... No need getting al the female virtual pilots over-heated.
  14. I want my nick to be David "Hung-like-a-rhino" Zurawski... ... Hope my wife doesn't read this... I still have her convined: [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] = 12-inches
  15. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    You find me one person who has not ever formed a racial or cultural bias at one point in time, and I'll show you someone who is lying through their teeth or is clinically brain-dead. It's impossible in this day and age to not form opinion on people based on multiple factors... race and culture not withstanding. I have no moral high ground... I fully admit to forming personal opinon based on race and culture.
  16. George Carlin Dead At 71

    I'm most impressed by his longevity... Mind you, he started his comedic act in the 60s. Most modern comedians loose their ability to write funny material within a few short years. Most just disappear into obscurity... few get out while their names are still good and make the leap into TV or movies (Read: Jerry Seinfeld) Like most, I didn't always agree with his opinions... but I almost always found them funny non-the-less. His observation of the obvious was what made me laugh the most... Far to many to remember, let alone relive here.
  17. George Carlin Dead At 71

    When I was on the The View, I met and sat next to him in the "green room", had about a 20 minute conversation with him... What a genuine and unassuming guys he was. Gave us all a signed copy of his last book. ... Will be missed. There are so few intelligent comedians out there...
  18. LOL! Some of guys are starting to know me too well... I thing this bird is almost as long as some carrier decks... granted, the landing would be spectacular... but where the heck do you park the beast?
  19. Would definately test ones ability to plan a landing curcuit and attain the necessary glide-slope to put this bird down... Hmm... Do we have an airstrip long enough to land and stop this bird or do we need someone to build a salt flat terrain?
  20. I love it... It's got that "Star Destroyer" feel to it.
  21. Kudos! This is the kind of release we get when someone is concerned about the quality of their project and takes the time to do it right!
  22. You sir are correct... I used the same trickery as the canopy animation to handle the wing-fold.
  23. ... The models approach the level of detail found in a number of MSFS offerings. I'm guilty myself of skimping on the poly-count... I rectified this with my Osprey (Oh, that's right you guys haven't seen the latest cockpit have you?) and from an external stand-point the P.11c... But I think the Thirdwire engine, in particular the WoI itteration is more than capable of supporting models of this higher-detail. I know it's cool to have the most toys when your younger... I'm over the hill now... I'm more about "quality" over quantity.
  24. ...Why not? Apparently a lot of commercial pilots imbibe before flights.
  25. Just noticed this request... I've been head-down on the MV-22's Cockpit. Never tried the Talon in WoI (What an odd thing considering it's my bird?)... I'll take a look at it. It's obviously a reversed value on the wing-fold parameter. ...Hold tight.

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