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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. Holy Moly!

    Sheez... I have so much more to look forward to. Hell, I'm already well on my way to bing completely bald... What hair I have left seems to have been effected by gravity as I'm finding it on areas of my body not previously home to it. (read: nostrils, ears, neck) The atlas'esk sculpted body I once had have given way to a softer / rounder appearance.... Hell, where I once had six-pack abs, I now have a keg. Thankfully my libido is still where it has been!
  2. Holy Moly!

    HOLY CRAP! I completely missed this thread and all the kudos! I feel like such an ass... Thanks belatedly for the well wishes!
  3. Hmmm... Would mapping them to a self-illuminated texture (like the slimers on my Osprey) work? Granted they wouldn't "glow" per say... but they would appear to illuminate. ...Gonna have to experiment now... damn-it... like I don't have enough to do. LOL!
  4. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    Sigh... 1.) Walleye 2.) Blue Gill 3.) Freshwater Perch... Typical Midwest fixing... fillet, bread and deep fry. (I'm well known for filleting my fish so clean you can see through the spine) Pair any of those with one of the following: 1.) Any Samuel Adams 2.) Any Leinenkugel 3.) Spotted Cow. FWIW... The Rock Bottom Brewery (Restaurant/micro brew pub) has a Scotch Ale (Naughty Scott) that goes with a nice steak like no other bear IMHO...
  5. What was your favorite childhood toy?

    I was a dinosaur and shark freak when I was very young. If it walked, swam and potentially could eat you... I was all for it. Later I fell into a superhero and robot funk... Had many unique robots then that I "know" would be worth a mint now... ... Then can the computer and all was lost to this all-consuming beast.
  6. Working on the Osprey cockpit, more specifically the standby gauges... Q: Would a standby altitude gage (gauge) typically be of the pressure or the radar variety?
  7. Thank-you my friend. You realize your speedy response does truly hasten the finishing of the Osprey product and expedite my moving on to new endeavors...
  8. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    I will not burden you with wishing a happy birthday upon you... I will however remind you that you are yet one year older and that much closer to deaths icy grip... You also are that much closer to premature graying, liver spots, false teeth, erectile dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome and osteoarthritis... So blow out your candles and eat your cake... It may be the last solid food you get to eat. Happy B-day bud (there I said it)
  9. Just FYI... The oozing wounds from the cat'o nine flogging appear to be healing nicely. I shall return to work immeadiately... (Zur hobbles off to toil at his desktop) Can you call my wife and inform her that I need more than a few hours a night? I figure she'd have to believe it coming from a man in uniform...
  10. I've been contracted to do the swept wing... but with this aircraft retro'ing it to the straight wing variant wouldn't all too hard. Don't hold your breath though... You've all see my production speed is equivalent to a turtles fart in a tar pit.
  11. Not unless you and the rest of the community can convince my wife I can make the kind of moola I make now "playing with my computer"... (You have to say it with a sour sarcastic tone or it looses effect)
  12. LOL! I could post a lovely image of the three-way view box I've mapped of the Fury... Sadly that's as far as I've gotten. I'm trying like hell to get the Osprey done so I have a clean plate to work with, but with a change in jobs I've been busier than usual. Soon... :yes:
  13. YEA!!!!! Zur's going to make some Furys and and an H?!?!?!?!? ... Wait. Crap... That's me! Hells bells I better light a fire under my ass or we won't see any of this until WiS! (Wing in Space)
  14. Whew! That's a relief... Otherwise I would have had to break out my box of fat Crayolas to explain my intentions!
  15. You my friend, have me offically chasing my tail.
  16. Oh, but I have such a huge ego and it does so dearly love to be stroked... ...Are you misunderstanding that I will continue to request permission or that I agree to the premise outlined in the anchor post by Column5? If so, it was intended for agreeance with Column5's premise...
  17. Sorry... You all will have to continue to kiss my shiny pink tushy. :lmaosmiley: As everyone knows, I've always had an open-door policy with my mods. All I really ever asked was for a formal request to be made. For my purposes it really only served as a way to keep track of where and whom was using my stuff... That said, I agree to above stated agreement... Until instances arise to make me change mind. Think that's fair and amiable?
  18. ROFLMAO! When I saw a thread entitled "Parasites"... I though for sure it would be a non-complimentary post referencing at least a dozen possible forum residence... (some who even responded... don't be coy... you know who you are!)
  19. Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringmm...
  20. Yes, I'm frickin besides myself... I was using a spectacular 360 degree panoramic view quick-time I found on the Defencenews.com website to accurately model the Ospreys cockpit. I log-on tonight and cannot find it anywhere on the website anymore! I fired off a correspondence with the website art director in hopes there is some external link available for it... but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry had to vent... I just can't believe this thing vanished... it was a absolutely lovely resource. bugger.
  21. Well, could you at least talk one of your fly boys into buzzing the building?
  22. YAHOO!!!! Well kiddies... Thanks to a tip from one of our intrepid community members (Y'all thank Hillbilly for me...) we are back on track with the Osprey's pit! The solution was sitting right in front of me and Hillbilly dragged me like a horse to the water trough! He pointed out that it was still available via Google's cached pages... duh! Anyways... I'm golden and very happy about it! :fans: News: Disaster averted!
  23. *sigh*... It's F'n beautiful! Only problem "for me" is some underpinning of the FM changes has my Osprey wallowing like a drunken sailor... Looks like a near FM re-build unless I can figure out what's porking it. (But this is obviously my problem...) Addendum: Further experimentation / poking around shows that the Osprey will fly in normal mode. Hard mode for right now is a no-go NOTE: Normal mode FM mode in WoI appears to be equivalent to: somewhere between normal and hard in SF, WoV, and WoE... (slighty closer to hard than normal in my estimation)
  24. [THICK ITALIAN/BRONX ACCENT] "I've your Force right heya"... [/THICK ITALIAN/BRONX ACCENT]
  25. *sigh*... That's only funny when "I" say it... Please tell me that's not the extent of your snappy repertoire... ... You realize the slower I work on the Osprey's cockpit... the futher our discussed projects keeep getting... That said, your a uniformed guy... Mind going over to defensenews.com and reading someone the riot act?

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