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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. Who is actual aircrew?

    Either playing Red Baron too much, or that sir is a Freudian slip. If it's that latter... I'm not flying with you no matter how many drinks you ply me with!
  2. Who is actual aircrew?

    Well... I've never actually "flown" an aircraft but I once jumped from from height while flapping my arms real hard... ...My glide path sucked, my AoA was horrible and the landing was very rough. All together I think I have logged 3 seconds of flight-time.
  3. Nope..no cache (first place I looked). Apparently I'm too anal retentive when it comes to cleaning my PC... cache gets dumped automatically when I close Windows.
  4. Nothing spectacular... nothing mapped yet... Just really beginging to get into the details...
  5. Thanks for the try but I've got images in a few reference mags similar to these. This quicktime app was very nice... I could drag the screen around and look about the cockpit just like I was standing there. Better yet, I could zoom up on things and look at them in detail... I'm going to be hard pressed to come up with such detailed views as this was.
  6. Meh? I want the Talon to have manual doors like the Raptor! Zur ducks and hides...
  7. I used a glass alpha that I've been using since the Sabres... Easiest fix is to replace "my" glass.tga with one that is more acceptable.
  8. ROFLMAO! See... I knew I'd eventually brain wash you! ...Zur snickers and twiddles his handlebar moustach...
  9. Modern Marvel

    I've always been intrigued by the development of swords relevant to their use in battle... (Forgive me at this point because I'm about to prattle on in general terms with little intrinsic knowledge) Examples: -Roman Short Sword - Ideally designed for short thrusts behind a heavy shield against an opponent who at best wore layered leather armor. -Medieval hand-and-a-half and two hand sword - Designed to be used to batter as well as penetrate an opponents plate and chain armor. -Renaissance era Swords - Light thin sword ideal for fencing duels. - Japanese swords seem to in inherit the best balance between the Roman and Medieval designs, in that they are equally good at thrusting and slinging attacks. - Then there are the obvious single use swords like the Scimitar, Buccaneer and the like... What I find interesting really is the evolution based on region, battle tactics and symbology... quite fascinating stuff IMHO.
  10. Modern Marvel

    Like that, except the hand guard was shaped like a flower...
  11. Modern Marvel

    Definitely was a 94 or 95... non-commissioned officer sword.
  12. Modern Marvel

    "Having accepted that their learned opinions differ, Sixgun and Caesar turn their attention to steak knives"... Just ribbing you guys! Despite my keen interest in swords, I must confess to know little to nothing. I have inherited from my father a Japanese officers sword (apparently justified by the hilt and scabbard per my late father)... and what he and I thought was a US Cavalry sword that he pulled from a condemed pole barn when he was a teen. We did a little research on the D-guard and the manufacturer's stamp in the ricasso, but came away with nothing. Cool stuff all the same!
  13. Modern Marvel

    ... Groan. I can't even muster a witty retort for that one. Question remains. "Which is more silent and deadly... One of Wrenches farts or a well made and perfectly balanced sword?"
  14. Have at it ma' boy! ... (in other words.. "Go right ahead")
  15. Just out of morbid curriosity... Have any of you Osprey down-loaders become proficient in handling the bird in VTOL mode? I ask because I've been giving thought to also creating (or having some one create it) a "VTOL Playground" terrain... One where there would be plenty of places to take-off and land on... Think: Small Helli-ports, buildings with Helli-pads, the odd oil-rig... Personally I'm to a point where I can pretty much take-off and land anywhere I please.... I guess I've spent way to much time playing with this thing. Just bouncing ideas and checking if anyone is flying this thing.... Oh, and BTW... a cockpit update is coming soon... keep an eye out!
  16. "Step away from the MS paint and the Hello Kitty stickers and no one gets hurt!"
  17. SACRILEGE!!!!!!!! That's it .... No more making things better! LOL! KIDDING! As I look at it, do what you must to further your enjoyment of this project while it's in development. I'm not so anal as to insist my toys are played only in certain ways... I'll have to put my foot down when I see someone paint it pink and cover it with flowers however...
  18. Thanks for the kudos! Much appreciated.. Yeah, that oscillation seems to rear its head when you are driving into that 100-50 knots hot... I try to scrub speed much sooner and take her in much more gingerly... doesn't do it nearly as much with this approach. I'm still playing with the induced drag... once I find a sweet spot, that should make things easier. I plan to offer all the variants including a "what-if" attack variant for the sickos what like to hover and blow crap up!
  19. "Any interest?" Do bears screw in the woods? I'm always looking for unique stuff like this! (I guess that's pretty evident by my recent projects eh?) ... Reminds me of Flight of the Cheetah...
  20. Sadly aircraft guns / turrets only track air targets... Game engine limitation rears its ugly head yet again... Suffice to say, the attack version will be a nightmare for ground forces in it's own right. Re: Burner... It's moved from the the back to the front. However I'm still stirring the cockpit kettle... so I haven't yet lit the fire.
  21. Not a problem... Anything to keep interest in the Osprey while I drag my feet on the cockpit.
  22. Not to advocate... But I think Japan has shown they rarely manufacture things half-assed. May not be "as stealthy" or "as high performance", but I'd imagine it's better than existing contemporary design. Just say'n...
  23. RE: Ships - I've played around with several of the ships and found the LHA-1 Tarawa and Invincible are pretty good to work with. Will be trying with the ANZAC Class Guided Missile Frigate next for a real challenge!
  24. Yup... Your data is correct. Once I'm further long with the cockpit, I'll post some pics of the roughed in gunship/attack version... (Shamelessly dangling the hook..)
  25. Getting back to the playground terrain" idea... As I eluded to earlier, I had thoughts for Helli-pads, roof tops and oil rigs... I also thoughts about difficult approaches and "situational terrain". Something like an outcropping on a steep cliff etc... Any other ideas?

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