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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. More of the Kodiak... And even more... Last one...
  2. Thanks guys... Sadly this is what I feared the answer would be. Thankfully I can accomplish simular results via clever 3D design, but using .tga would have been a far easier solution.
  3. To give the "illusion" of spinning faster one would have to edit the model or link an external .lod of an opaque streak (like I have on Osprey) where I combine both the 3-d blade with the opaque streak to give illusion of motion blur... That's my solution... I'm sure someone smarter than me has a better solution!
  4. Google Maps..this is great!

    Alright... I want to know who sat down and averaged the Kayaking speed to come to this seemingly specific trip time? I can tell you that once I made the first Pacific leg and beached in Hawaii, I would be hard pressed to get moving on that second leg regardless of what's waiting for me in Japan.
  5. Dave, I add my meager name to the list of those that would "like". By nature I'm a lazy turd and always welcome reaping the benefits of others hard work!
  6. Good point by all. I have no recollection of any other dev supporting their product so far past their gold date. Granted virtually all the products are really incremental advancements over the other but who else retros those advancements into their previous offerings? Some would argue why buy anything new when eventually the old stuff is brought up to new stuff standards... One I'm hard pressed to answer with anything other than "continued support"? You have no argument from me that we have incrementally been experiencing more and more buggy patches. That said, I wonder how many of these bugs are the result of out-racing his desire to keep his old horses in paces with his new ones? TK has a good business model and a admirable ethic to his consumers. Having said that... Maybe it's time to clean the work bench and work forward instead of spending so much time working backwards and metaphorically dirtying the pool?
  7. I don't agree... Both Jet thunder and Storm of War have been and continue to be advertised as high-realism / historically accurate simulations. neither of which anyone can claim about the Strike Fighter series with a straight face. While the more recent offerings have basis in factual context, they by-in-large are fictitious scenarios. I argue likely 60% of the customers who've purchased any of the Strike Fighter series did so for one of for three reasons: 1.)First introduction to flight simulations. 2.)Were wooed by the semi-exotic and eclectic stable of aircraft. 3.)Choose it as a platform for no other reason than it's open architecture to dabble with... I honestly believe very few were under any misconception that these were anything other than lite-Sims and their graphical glamor never exceeded the tip of an aircrafts nose and ended roughly around it's exhaust. Jet Thunder and to an even greater degree Storm of War are vastly superior to the Thirdwire series in virtually all categories, most notably the environmental visuals... Any attempt to place the Thirdwire series on the same paying field seems silly. That's the equivalent of saying the AmA players are essentially the same as Quake players. While I would love for TK's next offering to make a concerted effort to close the gap (I'm not holding my breath mind you...) The reality is so long as TK's perceived consumer is the Sim-lite crowd, the environmental visuals will continue to play second fiddle to the aircraft. This crowd is the AD Sim enthusiasts... they want to look at the pretty planes not oogle the detail in the trees.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong (Don't worry my wife does without batting an eye) but don't virtually all small software devs go into a project molding their conceptual idea into a finished product that essentially is what he envisioned? While I appreciate your point that TK's tunnel-vision in regards to the direction he chooses to focus his simulations is substantially limited. I have to argue that we clearly never were his target audience. There are a couple handful of highly talented artist among us who with great creative efforts effectively painted lips on a pig. Or in other words we and others have pushed the envelope of this simulation far beyond TK's conceptualization, but under all the 3D and textural trickery, TK's game is essentially the same game it was in 2002. Clearly TK and his Sims have a quasi-cult following large because of the efforts of the talented individuals who frequent this forum... All his offerings to date would essentially be quickly forgotten were it not for us and that's a factual statement without question. I as much as anyone wish he would deviate is minds-eye a little and make some concessions for his actual core constituents and up the IQ of his offerings.
  9. New Years Festivities?

    Out of curiosity, wondering what everyone has planned for New Year (or your equivalent celebratory action)? Myself, Mrs. Z, my step-daughter and son will be settling in for the evening of board-games and Wii action, accompanied by the various TV specials that abound. We will feast on 10 pounds of crab claws (we find both the taste and texture of the claws of higher quality than the defacto legs) this will be accompanied by slabs of choice grade-A Angus steak and home-made spaghetti... Yes it's a bit eclectic but oh sooo good... Mrs. Z and myself seemingly have reach a point in our lives where the thrill of venturing out with the armatures into the late evening both dangerous and expensive... While a three-coarse of crab, steak and pasta sounds "spendy" it pales next to cost associated with one of the local night-life New Years packages that have you crammed into some gin-joint trying to muscle paste a throng of people gyrating to some over-volumed beat to get an over-priced watered down adult beverage for yourself and your companion... Damn I'm getting old...
  10. I donno... I'm kind'a ambivalent both ways. Having worked on a small dev team for a health-care management software team, I appreciate the sentiment that it's hard to let go of an ageing code-base because, quite frankly much of it is proven and by-in-large is clean code. As we experienced, like I believe TK is, when you try to grow beyond the original design of the code, the "enhancements" begin to break things that previously were bullet-proof... Feature-creep ultimately was the death of the project as it quickly became a three-headed monster and we spent more time fixing our enhancements instead of supporting the product. RIP... That said, clearly the Strike-fighter code beginning to show it's age spots... and limitations. Granted Julhelm's example shows how much can be done graphically on a small budget, one needs to remember a flight simulation is probably 70% physics, AI and only like 30% graphic code... (I wish in no way to downplay the dev costs of a FPS and a flight simulation but I think it's agreeable that they are different) The Strike-Fighter code is TKs baby... he nurtured it and watched it grow. Letting go of that to become more current is both costly as well as a step into the unknown... Face it he has a proven business model that he has made no qualms about admitting it's target audience is the very-casual sim enthusiast. The problem really lies in we the core group of supports are not casual gamers... We are present and ex-military, coders, graphic artists, 3D artists. Our expectations far out stripe the cost and expectations of this game-code and honestly have done so from day one. I've been playing and modding various FPS and sims for over 30 years... much of the vitriolic commentary and idle threats are lost on me as I've seen it all. I don't always agree with TKs thoughts and direction, but I admire his dedication to the genre and support of his products. I've bought them all... I play only a few. For me my enjoyment comes from the occasional hop to shoot something down and or blow something up and the fundamentally free canvas available to me to create 3D models of my choosing. I guess the saying "mileage may vary" holds true for this particular product...
  11. As I understand it... The Pit Bull is an excellend dog fighter, though some would argue that a Bull Mastiff or an Akita are just as tenatious... ... Wait. You meant aircraft! Sorry about that... I'm a little dense these days. LOL! You sir have asked a loaded question that has far to many variables to give an agreeable or cognative answer. That said... I offer up the venerable North Amaerican F-86 Sabre against the MIG-15bis
  12. Brilliant! My hats off to you .ini tweakers... I had all I could deal with on the Osprey. I never found the magic numbers to get the Pogo to what I wanted. Kudos! (Your going to share this with the world right?) LOL!
  13. Here it is kids... Like always, unzip and place within your aircraft directory. This aircraft is ALPHA… Which means not everything is finished and not everything is implemented… and nothing if final. Q: Why did I release this in its alpha state? – Easy. I’m looking for some people who know how to paint skins… Of which I’m most definitely not. If you’re up for the challenge, I’m looking for people to make skins within the following categories: 1.) Movie Based Scheme. (Default skin) 2.) USN. (Modern day scheme) 3.) USMC. (Modern day scheme) 4.) USAF. (Modern day scheme) 5.) Mercenary / what-If / “Other Nation” (Use your imagination!) Please use the supplied templates judiciously. The panel lines etc. are there for my personal edification… feel free to move them, add more… what ever suites your desired look. My references were limited and I did what I could. I’ve always been of the mindset that a good skin makes an okay model spectacular… DanW proved that to me time and time again. Please send your submissions to zur@zur-tech.com The very best get to ride in pole position for each category in the final release package. Notes: 1.) Cockpit is a placeholder while I work on the actual one… Don’t get attached to it. 2.) If you don’t see or hear the afterburner effect, I “borrowed” from the effect pack and elsewhere… don’t get your undies in a bundle… I intend to supply original ones upon final release. 3.) FM, DM, load out etc are all just trial stuff… again don’t get attached. Download here: www.Zur-TECH.com
  14. Boeing Flies F-15 Silent Eagle

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/59454-f-15-silent-eagle.html Has some interesting links, images and a nifty video...
  15. I use this: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html Works like a charm and ya can't beat the price...
  16. Happy Birthday Zur

    Sorry I was late to the party... Real-life one left me with a bit a hang-over... Thanks for all the well wishes! Sadly I'm just a day older and a day closer to death...
  17. View File F/A-37A Talon F/A-37A Talon Another fine add-on aircraft by Zur-TECH.com Installation: Launch the executable and follow the directions. Install... Fly... Have Fun. Submitter Zurawski Submitted 03/24/2007 Category Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's  
  18. OOOOOOoooooOOOOO... uh. It's been a while since I self-gratified myself while viewing preview images here at CA. And you guessed it... I just did.
  19. Nicely optioned bass boat

    Pffft... All men should be allowed... nay required by law to carry a remote to call in an precision air-strike when necessary.
  20. UPDATE... I'm just so frick'n busy right now I cannot commit to any involved projects, thus the Hammerhead languishes in limbo. If anyone has the time and inclination to take up this bird, you are more than welcome to have a go at it! It's uber'poly heavy and will require a LOT of work, but it will be a sweet-arse project when done! If interested... shoot me an email. First-come - first served.
  21. If anyone is interested... I could very easily re-model this to replace the tires/wheels with skis to better reflect the Rumanian version.
  22. Fighter Squadrons: Screaming Demons Over Europe had/have a "feature" added well after it's release where alternate data files could be swapped from within the games front-end to change various assets in the games, including the plane sets... Considering the sheer volume of planes that we are now introducing into his games... something simular would not be an unrealistic request going forward IMHO. ... But then again, what do I know.
  23. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    ... Someone promised me cake.
  24. New Years Plans?

    Hmmm... I've got 5 pounds of HUGE crab legs with our (Me, the wife and my son) names on it. We'll fill our faces, drop into a food induced coma for a few hours and then the boy goes on the computer for a fun-filled night of Modern Warfare and me and the woman head to our local watering hole to party with the young folk and ring in the new year. We'll pay for this stupidity tomorrow...

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