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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. Answer is found in this thread thanks to Dreamstar -> HERE!
  2. Check This Out!

    Well that explains why C5s finger smells like a salad bar... [Zur ducks and runs]....
  3. Alright... I've addressed this in private but within the last few days I've been questioned as to my whereabouts by several forum members via email... As I said to them... quoting Mark Twain "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated"... The reality is, I've ultimately been a lazy turd. It all started with a upgrade from XP to Vista. This upgrade unwittingly rendered my long-in-the-tooth version 3d Studio MAX r4 useless (as it's unsupported and would not run regardless of what I did) This lead to several bouts of failed partitioning to try and cram XP back in my PC, which then lead to the purchase of 3d Studio MAX r6 and my discovery that though it does run under Vista, it's the most craptacular version of 3ds and can't even handle the r6 exporter plugin... Plan "B" had to be enacted apparently. Cue Christmas... This ol' bear enters hibernation. (Well not really hibernation... more like lazy sloth mode) No real excuses other than the large span between the the Vista debacle and now has left me highly unmotivated. I've since gotten my r4 running again within Virtual PC on XP (this endeavor was yet another diversion to add to the myriad of other diversions I've encountered) and all is right with the world. That said, I owe apologies to a handful of you who are waiting for various projects I've promised to you... I swear I will get these done. These are projects I had/have high interest in, and do wish to bring them to fruition. To the rest of you, thank you for your patience. As the old man in the Monty Python Holy Grail movie said... "I'm not dead yet"!.
  4. Holy schnit!!! SEE!!!! Rumors of my demise does drag people out of the woodwork! (You'd think I owed him money or something) Re: Cross dressing... Need I remind you that you were the first to ask if I was wearing undies or if I was commando... Re: Stiglr... I think moneys on me getting a project out before he does his pit.
  5. Alright... I've got a stupid question... (I know! I never thought this day would come either?) For grins'n giggles... I tried setting up an empty install of SF2 (Deleted all the stock planes so I could place my personal stock in it)... I did the whole .ini dance and everything, yet when I launch the damn thing, it re-created folders and stuff for the the stock birds! Q: Is there anyway to stop this from happening?
  6. I had no idea we have so many frick'n comedians!.... :lmaosmiley: Go ahead roast while you can... I'll get a couple of projects done and ya'll groveling at my feet once more...
  7. Complain?... Hell, I encourage! A massive climate change in hades or the constant fear of being wacked might actually get me off my arse and get these projects done...
  8. Well... "Yes". Though this depends on your definition of "soon". Soon as in "two weeks" or soon as in relevent to plutos orbit around the sun?
  9. LOL! The Sabre and it's bits & parts have long been public domain for quite some time now... Have at it! (The Sabre stuff that is... Can't speak for Ruso's work)
  10. AH-64A WIP

    Option... The AI can only fly it in the horizontal (like a plane) but through thrust vecorting you (non-AI) can fly it completely like a helo... The FM simular to that of my Osprey might be viable...
  11. Pffft!.... Show'm! Your just scared to because you know they'd say I was prettier than you....
  12. Bah.. Never mind me... Aside from having a mildy peverse sense of humor... I'm also feeling bloated and irritable. (I think I caught it from my wife?) ... And usually I do take it too far. I like to think of it as a one of my more redeaming qualities.
  13. He doesn't... I'm well on my way to a vacation. I'm just on an anti-establishment kick lately (must be my old'er aging kicking in) Seriously though... Are we getting so upper crust now that inuendoes and double entendre are grounds for floggings? (yes... I have an cat'o nine...for the mods if they're interested)
  14. Wait... I forgot completely about what happens if you have an asymmetrical load out, or the humiliation of having a hung load (which is an obvious cause of having an asymmetrical load out BTW) (Zur prepares for strike three…Alright Dave, let me have it!)
  15. Really this question is like asking "what is your favorite sexual position.. Top or Bottom". We all know it all boils down to the size of your ordinance and method of delivery...
  16. Well... yes & no. I'm currently working on a few personal obligations (read: stuff for other projects), however I've had a few set-backs happen to me by upgrading unwittingly to Vista... Now that I have that sorted, I've had bouts of "lazy-arse" since... my bad. Will the Hammer see the light of day?... Yes. Before I loose my sight due to old age?... maybe.
  17. Well... On a personal level, I pefer knife fighting... though, I'd love to move mud... problem is I usually just move the mud around the things I'm supposed to be hitting. ... I'm kind of like an "extreme landscaper" :blush2: However, if you look at the stable of planes I've made recently... You'd think I either like flying from point A to point B with my butt-cheeks on fire, or I like flying around in a hover doing recon with a big red bulls-eye on my arse...
  18. 100 things I learned from airplane!

    ... And everything was covered with a sticky white substance. (Yeah, I know it's junvenile... I'm in one of the moods so bit me.)
  19. MAN... I still love seeing my bird dressed to kill!
  20. I'd offer to give Dave a hug but I suspect the image of me in a dress has scared him enough for one lifetime... But then again... since it seems he's going all "estrogen" on us... now might be a good time to educate him on the benefits of tummy control bloomers. :blush2:
  21. TK and Oleg before him did something only Michael Harrison (FS:SDOE) has done for flight sims... Continue to "give" to the community that supports their product(s). Harrison gave us the OpenPlane flight-sim engine and above-expected support and tools. FS:SDOE came out eons ago, there is still a dedicated following that continues to grow this long-tooth sim... Oleg gave us the IL-2 line of simulations and with every new patch, grew the aircraft stable at a staggering rate... Now TK... Not only has he continued to provide new "content" through parasitic new games (Use of some assets from previous releases) ... But he has gone back and updated all previous releases to the current standards. Granted the all share the same lineage, but still a notable feet unto it self. Add to that a game engine that is almost as open as OpenPlane... it's no wonder TK has such a strong following. Oh, and for the record... I've purchased every game... even ones I didn't particularly need or like. Just my way of saying "Keep doing what you're doing"... (Now if we could only talk him into doing a 4th or 5th gen sim... )
  22. 2008 Bummers

    Oh no... column5 really does want a a sugar daddy... ... Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  23. Okay... I don't mean to be forward... ... But I think you've offically given me a boner that could drive a rail-road spike.
  24. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34337 Dreamstar did all the dirty work for us...

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