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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Thank you! You have made this day great.
  2. Ace Combat anyone?

    I'm interested as to who plays Namco's Ace Combat series of arcade flight games. Also what have you got when it comes to scores? Are you a member of an online squadron such as the 156th Tactical Fighter Wing 'Aquila' or Sins and Saints? Which games do you have? Well to answer those questions: Online Squadron: Yes, Blue 15, Callsign:Viggen, Aquila Wing, Blue Squadron Games: Ace Combat 2, Ace Combat 04 Skies of Deseption, Ace Combat 5 Unsung War, Ace Combat Zero The Belkan War, Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation Only use Ace difficulty. And some sites: http://forums.namcobandaigames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=9 http://acecombatskies.com/ http://z8.invisionfree.com/Aquila_Wing/index.php
  3. Flight nights...

    ...I can actually here some! Just kidding. This is one of the more touchy parts of WOE/WOV/SFP1.
  4. No problem. I forgot about my other post anyhow. As long as I have some hair left on my head
  5. Ace Combat anyone?

    Really manueverable. Not so much armor. There is a stealthy F-14D with a Halloween camo which has a smaller payload. The Mobius 1 F-22A can be killed in about 2 shots from the gun. DO NOT do the Chandelier in that!
  6. Ace Combat anyone?

    I have some of the content. I NEED the Su-33 Yellow
  7. Yeah that Marut has seen many flights. Nice! BTW mppd, sorry to hear about the loss of your family member.
  8. Modern Marvel

    If by flower you mean Cherry Blossom then it is the Type 94.
  9. Ace Combat anyone?

    No surprise Meh. Just stay away from my Mirage 2000-5 in AC6.
  10. Modern Marvel

    Did it look like this? That is a Type 95. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...le-p1000712.jpg
  11. I've made a Splinter Camo on A-4 and F-4. I honestly forgot how I did though
  12. Oh that should be great! I think I'll start my F-22A special Viggen skins now...(Splinter? Ferris? Work with Falcon? Who knows!) Oh I love having Gimp!
  13. Nice looking Helos. Gotta say the Cobra looks even better with a Splinter camo.
  14. Modern Marvel

    From the little I know of Japanese swords, I will say Zur that they WWII sword you have is probobly a Type 94 or a Type 95.
  15. Did you say mattress?

    Oh yes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=979rVLhiT0E
  16. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=343 That is what we are all talking about.
  17. Did you say mattress?

    What in the name of Communist Eels are you talking about?
  18. Dang he got it before me! Anyway, you'll need the SFP1 .CAT Extractor to get those IIRC.
  19. Why can't we get Megan Fox??? That would be nice. :yes:
  20. Modern Marvel

    You mean this? OUCH!
  21. Is the name in the INI and the name of the actual LOD or OUT the same?
  22. You'll have to wait 2 weeks to get an apropriat response

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