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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. MiG-21UB! Yay! How many versions of 2 seat MiG-21s were there? All we need now is the Su-17UM3.
  2. Ha! In your face Simviation! In your face!
  3. Cool. You should make the FS2k2/4 version a combatace only release. Have you been working on this all weekend becuase you rebuilt it fast.
  4. If you still have to use FS2K2 for the testing go ahead. (Perhaps make a version for it as well!) In away it let us know that making that fly was possible just this time...can the screen shots be more lit up?
  5. It does actually look better. Smoother.
  6. I'm going to guess that it will be the same as the DS terrain.
  7. Alright then. Have fun. We will wait...I hope.
  8. And remember to put a sign infront of a factory that says "Babyfood Factory" in English and Arabic when there are clearly T-72s being built there.
  9. That sounds about right. How do I add one if I don't have WOV? I tried it and it failed me.
  10. Wait a second, I thought that the carriers were an important part of SFP1 and SFG. Why else would the F-4B/J and A-4B/C/E/F be in it?
  11. Infidel of the week

    When do I get to become Infidel of the Week?
  12. Put Baghdad Bob's Avatar as one of those signs
  13. My book

    Hmm. Okay. I'll like this.
  14. Fictional eh? Well I guess we may see some Ace Combat skins in the future.
  15. I agree with Wrench. It is looking more on the SEA camo side though.
  16. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    Master Chief?
  17. Boo Boo of The Day

    Won't we all? We'll be reading this all over the web soon.
  18. Boo Boo of The Day

    Not to self. Don't get based at Tinker and be an E-3 pilot when Sergeant Slavens is on duty.
  19. Wrench. hats off to you. This is just amazing. Just waht are the 4th and 5th pictures of?
  20. Did you check to see if the INI has that skin still? And if the folder is still there?
  21. Uhhhh no thanks. I'll wiat for the Mirage Fighters Mir 2000. And eh did you get my last PM SayWhat?! ?
  22. woth is for tw That Mirage it..the...that can't be. You pulling legs again SayWhat?!

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