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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Oh. Damn, I really wanted to help too, guess it will be a few years before I can. Oh well
  2. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Spaceballs, then the original Star Wars Trilogy.
  3. Serious question: Does CombatACE accept cash?
  4. Uh...it's going to take a little longer than expected for this to be uploaded. We (Jarhead and I) run into a rather small massive problem.
  5. Truly just an amazingly epic new game! Thank you to all who sacrificed their time into making this. Now time for some DS Pictures! F-4Gs out on the hunt. Yes there is an F-117A in this picture. Now, here is some Raven porn. Wingie's first kill! I got two MiG-21s so we're even.
  6. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    After I became addicting to modding MSFS, I bought WOE. It was cool, but I wanted something else to kill with. Went on Wiki, found WOE's article, clicked on the NATO Fighter's link. Once I understood how to add mods to WOE, I wanted MORE. So, back to wiki, found CombatACE, and joined. So, here I am, nearly into two years as a member of CombatASS.
  7. So, since I started using the new patch, the stock clouds and effects have done a number on my FPS. Smoke from explosions and factories have also done a number, which makes me amazed that the Phantom's smoke trails haven't. Even on low settings. What INI could I edit to help with this so I'm doing better than 5FPS during a bombing raid?
  8. I'm pretty sure a laptop I've been looking at would be able to run DS better than this.
  9. Dell Dimension 3000 Pentium 4 CPU at 2.80GHz 510MB RAM Clearly something that should have died out before it was purchased in 2005.
  10. I'm pretty sure Dave said that they are going to do more allies as time permits.
  11. I knew it was a piece of crap, but not that bad. There isn't a slot either. I'm happy I'm saving up for a new PC in anycase.
  12. I already have. Didn't work so well, so I'll need to again.
  13. Not sure if this is right but: Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller And the clouds, and now the F-4's smoke trails, are causeing most of the problems.
  14. I don't even know the specs of my PC Viper. Where could I find them?
  15. Ah! A Cruddy escaped underneath the mass of Mirage Factory Phantoms. Looks good.
  16. Getting back on topic... Has anyone developed a good way to carryout SEAD in the Spark Vark or Wild Weasel? It's a bit harder over Iraq than Hanoi or Germany.
  17. F-15 ? swing fighter

    F-15F was a proposed single seat Mud Hen.
  18. He might mean like how in LOMAC there is the ability to see facts on all the aircraft, vegitables, and missiles. It has speeds, g limits, and wieghts, etc.
  19. OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, SAMs are really intense, my F-4G barely made it over the target before getting an SA-9 up the ass. So, I took the F-117A out so I couldn't get killed by SAMs. That bird, and cockpit are awsome. Only problems I'm getting are that clouds and bombs are killing my FPS.
  20. Well, screw them! You guys worked your asses of to make this amazing mod, and those of us who have downloaded the whole thing are just in awe at the level of detail and awsomeness of this. EDIT: Sorry if that came off kind of harsh.
  21. Downloading now, after a day of standing at attention, can't wait to kill some MiGs. But damn, I don't know what to fly in first! F-15 or EF-111....AHHHHHHH!

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