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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. The F-111Gs are no longer in service with the RAAF while the Cs are.
  2. Dave, is this how you really feel?
  3. I want that sig. Can we all use it? And yeah...stiglr...just, shut up.
  4. Three cheers for the sycophants!
  5. Probably by killing easy avionics. Or just use ALT-D
  6. The Person Below Me

    False! The person below me has a hovercraft
  7. Can we keep this Third Wire only lol90?
  8. Does anyone happen to have good, reliable info on the Turkish F-4E-2020 or F-5-2000 upgrades? I could use it since I'm trying to mod those two aircraft for a long term campaign I'm working on. Most of the stuff I have on the F-4E-2020 just says that it is able to carry smart bombs and designation pods. But, does it carry ARMAAM or have onboard ECM or countermeasures? What about a HUD? As to the F-5-2000, I could use just about anything on it, as all I have is that IAI is the one doing the upgrades.
  9. Two Weeks It's been pushed aside for a little while.
  10. YES! Time to nuke some commies. Except... NO! Cursed history project!
  11. You'll need to download the F-19 again, then make the changes below. Go into the F-19.ini and make edits where I've added the bold. This is using the SU-30MKK.ini but it's the same concept, as I don't have the F-19. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Su-30MKK Flanker AircraftDataFile=SU-30Mkk_data.ini CockpitDataFile=SU-30Mkk_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=Su-30MKK_Hanger.bmp LoadingScreen=Su-30MKK_loading.bmp LoadoutImage=SU-30MKK_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=SU-30Mkk_loadout.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=SU-30Mkk_avionics.ini Add the F-23 avionics ini and F-23 cockpit ini to the folder. Delete the F-19 versions of those. See where I've bolded up above. Make a change like this. What you enter here has to match the names of the inis. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Su-30MKK Flanker AircraftDataFile=SU-30Mkk_data.ini CockpitDataFile=F-23_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=Su-30MKK_Hanger.bmp LoadingScreen=Su-30MKK_loading.bmp LoadoutImage=SU-30MKK_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=SU-30Mkk_loadout.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-23_avionics.ini Finally, delete the current cockpit folder in the F-19 folder, and add the one from the F-23.
  12. Adding it to SFG now. Can't wait to fly this girl. I think a new unit may be heading to Dhimar to help stop the Parani threat.
  13. The Person Below Me

    False, they are all gonna have a male voice anyhow. The person below me is tired from too much modding
  14. *beats head on wall* Your RWR is not working becuase you are 100% stealthy when flying it in game. No radars will pick you up...none...at all.
  15. I'm not a real modder but, I have a list. Aircraft: More Yugoslav MiGs:MiG-21F-13, PFM, M, updates to MF and MiG-29. Possibly bis. F-5A-2000 (will also do F-5B-2000 when the F-5B is released) Nation specific aircraft (too many to name of the top of head) F-16-79 (need to talk to Fast Cargo) QF-4E (multiple types) Mitsubishi F-2B Campaigns: (if they can be shown) Also, fracking Nodes are what's stopping me from releasing one of them...(help!) Red Lightning: Norway (need WOE) 1990s or 2000s Russian invasion of Ukraine/Turkey (need WOE) 1950s Spanish/Morrocan conflict Malvinas 2000 Italy, USAF, USN(?) against Libya...still not sure about it. Something involving Yugoslavia (waiting for map) Something in Africa Dhimar/ Paran conflics Greece against something Terrain: Was trying to turn America North West into the mountainous part of Poland (need WOE again)
  16. The Person Below Me

    HELL NO! I'm the one in the Crudy. The person below still hasn't downloaded the Voodoos or XF-107
  17. Fav cooking/chef show

    It never had a name, but my father had a cooking show for our town before I was born.
  18. Alright, who the hell made Fubar, Grand Moff of the Death Star?

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