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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Fav cooking/chef show

    It never had a name, but my father had a cooking show for our town before I was born.
  2. Alright, who the hell made Fubar, Grand Moff of the Death Star?
  3. NIKE? Oh yeah it works...sometimes too well.
  4. PF Usage

    avast! is a very good program. Although, occasionally (almost every day) a box will pop up above the icons section and a voice will say "Virus Database has been updated"
  5. Happy Birthday Veltro2k

    Happy birthday!
  6. Spectre_USA

    Happy birthday Spectre!
  7. Oh I agree, this could be fun, so many choices. Plus we could make a CombatACE Airways scheme
  8. So, are you volunteering Allen?
  9. eels I thought the lazer cats were on our side?
  10. I already had that happen with Florians Airbus.
  11. 2008 Bummers

    She's just about a year younger than me. Nothing wrong with that. Seeing as we're both kids and all.
  12. I see a swan. This thing looks awesome. And can anyone tell me why Surfin' Bird* entered my head as soon as I saw the thread title? *Yes, I saw it in Full Metal Jacket before that Family Guy episode.
  13. 2008 Bummers

    Bummer: Doing logistics for the Civil Air Patrol Nation Emergency Services Academy at Camp Atterbuy, Indiana this year. Did they not have something else they could do with a Cadet Technical Sergeant, who is Ground Team 1 Qualified (Highest I can reach right now), and is a Certified First Responder? Not to mention, who's Squadron Activities Officer is the PAO of the two week training school, and has been their just the year before? Highlight: Girlfriend is now in the same school as me. Although she is a Freshmen and I'm a Sophomore.
  14. I agree with EricJ's suggestion. It looks a little bit more aerodynamically clean with the Rhino's intakes.
  15. NO! NO! NONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot, let the llamas interfere with the eels! The lazercats should deal with this...
  16. Well you should review my sig then. EEEEEEEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Ok, so, on a serious note, there wasn't any toy?
  18. External Hard Drives

    Can someone give me a few pointers and tips regarding External Hard Drives? Once I get the money I'm going to purchase one. Could someone name some good, cheap, ones that can carry lots of data? And, how the hell are these used? Right now I'm putting my TW installs on Flash Drives (aka thumb drive or memory stick), becuase my PC's reached 20GB of remaining space.
  19. External Hard Drives

    Typhoid: Pretty much just a place to put all my TW and FS installs into. I've been able to raise it to 32.7 gb now that I've put several installs on thumb drives, and deleted one. This Dell Dimension 3000 originally came with 71 gb on the C: drive
  20. External Hard Drives

    So, it would appear that a Western Digital is the way to go, right.
  21. hehehe, yeah...about that. (I need a person who can do nodes...that's all I need) Anyway, took WOI for a spin, found out what that "sparkle" I mentioned before was. It's the whole thing in general, it's perfect!
  22. Dammit, now I feel as aggrivated as the terrorist with the subtitles, lol. Should have known...
  23. subarblue's story sounds like me earlier today...in a U-2. Head out for recon over Cuba, thinking "ok, simple, stay high." But, I get some SA-2s firing at me. Both miss. Now me, usually flying Thuds, Vipers, or Rhinos at low level, dives for the deck. Mind you, I've completely forgot I'm unarmed (not to mention I still hadn't eaten breakfast so I was getting impacient.) Zoom down to about 8,000 feet. Level out. Take some pretty pictures of the airbase/city I'm over. Then, I notice several silver flashes. After an F6 or two, I see that these are two rather pissed off MiG-21F-13s, already on full burner, most likely coming down to dive on me. Now, I decide it's time to run. So, I hit the throttle, and I try to zoom up, but then I remember "Oh right...SA-2s." So, I go back to 5-8 thousand feet. MiG no.0 reaches me, and fires his R-3s at me, both missing. He comes in for guns. I get frantic, and lightly tap the stick in hopes of confusing him: nope. I did however, lower his airspeed to the point where he's flying with a high AOA to not stall. He goes burner and flies up. I fly up, slower of course. I go to external view, and notice that Comrade Captain Dmitri is too close! But, it's too late, and he smashes into my tail, and goes down. I somehow am alright, and continue towards the Gulf. MiG no. 1 now reaches me, and fires of his R-3s, not as rapidly, with one nearly getting me. He goes for guns. I try to do the same thing, but this guy is smarter than his commander. He goes left, and leaves me thinking I'm safe. So, I get over the water. And go external. I F6. See MiG no.1 in burner. I figure he's flying home. Well, he levels out. I start panning around, see a shiny object infront of him. A wingie? No. Me. By that point, it's to late. I recall saying, "Hey that's me! Come on, escor.....oh sh**...". The latter as he fired his gun. I became a POW. I heard that Junior Lieutenant Nikolai became a Hero of the Soviet Union after that encounter. Moral of the story: If your in a U-2, and the map has SA-2s or MiG-21F-13s, stay at 50,000ft+ and take the SA-2s. He's the photo that made into Krasnaya Zvezda two days later.

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