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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. It could be anything Mirage Factory since he's their CombatACE adjuntant or whatever he once said. B-1 we know he's had. F-107 we all have now (err...not me, I need to get it) Maybe another Voodoo? The new F-100s? In my highschool, it isn't hellagay it's veryf***inggay, in either case...I really hate when fubar does this...WHY??????!!!!!!!!! EDIT: hm...Fubar, FC, C5, Dave... all posting semi sarcastically...something is very suspicious....
  2. Mannie, are you flying that F/A-18I though the carrier's hanger?
  3. It has to be WOI. Just has some sort of sparkle in it the others don't. If I wasn't addicted to adding downloads, I'd leave it the way it came.
  4. I decided to add the U-2 to OTC. However, the aircraft isn't showing up. I'm sure I made the proper edits to the INI files (even changed the U-2's service dates). Each time I start the new campaign, I end up with an F-100D and a strike mission. I'll include segments of my INI's below, perhaps it is in there. From the CUBA_DATA.INI [AirUnit047] AircraftType=U-2A Squadron=4080SRW StartDate=10/28/1962 ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=USAF StartNumber=0 BaseArea=MacDill AFB CarrierBased=FALSE CarrierNumber= BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=8 StartAircraft=8 MaxPilots=10 StartPilots=10 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 UpgradeType=NEVER MissionChance[sWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SUB]=0 MissionChance[FAC]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=100 From the CUBA.INI [uSAFUnit008] UnitName=4080th SRW ForceID=1 UnitID=47 StartDate=1962 DescFile=4080desc.txt StartText=CubaStart1.txt CampaignBaseScreen=OTCbase.bmp
  5. Ah, yeah, that does. Thanks. I'll just switch out a Navy unit.
  6. So, we're going to see a 4.0 awesome! Nah, just kidding, nice work reworking your rework!
  7. I'd think the LERXs may pose a problem, as will the canard's height. Personally, I'd move the wing/LERX forward about 6 inches and give it a B-1 like canard whisker under the canopy wind screen. That's just me though. Probably make it less stable however... Just my own personal opinion, not ment to harm anythong or anyone.
  8. That's a stong rocket shooting you out of that then! Passing out wouldn't be surprising upon ignition.
  9. We'll have to be sure not to look down then
  10. The more trainers (and combat capable two seaters) the better. I like it!
  11. This aircraft looks so cool! But at the same time so ugly. Nice work!
  12. Very imposing sho't there Silverbolt (pun intended)
  14. Nah, the Defiant's naval counterpart is definatly more useless, but I agree in wanting one, and it should be interesting flying one in the BOB campaign. And Velto is a modding god now.
  15. Happy Birthday Sparko!

    happy birthday!
  16. VF-111 serves as an F-5 aggressor squadron out of NAS Key West, as VFC-111 now adays. But in the 1980s they were still an active USN F-14 squadron.
  17. Cool ideas for campaigns pfunk. I've have been working on a campaign in the Black Sea terrain, but Strategic Nodes are a PITA. I wish I knew how to skin with these templates. I want to make one of the Su-30s that's only got the yellow primer on.
  18. Welcome Home EricJ

    Welcome home dude!
  19. That'd be cool. Damn, between these Flankers and DS I NEED to get WOE again.
  20. Was taking 'er out for a test spin over the Canary Islands. Blackbird, I hope you release that Su-27UB mod. Did you say you were making the basic version of the Su-30 as well?
  21. Nellis temporary shutdown

    Daaaaaaaaaaayyyyyuuuuum serverandenforcer.
  22. Strike Fighters meets gore

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