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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Good read, always cool to learn about improvised countermeasures. I'll need to add some chaff and flares to the Canberras in my Falklands install.
  2. Visited the museums at Forbes Field a few times when I was stationed at Fort Riley and enjoyed getting to walk around two Kansas MiG killers, 65-0801 and 66-0268.
  3. what is everyones fav base game campaign??

    Tough choice. Always been a fan of the 1979 WOE/SF2E campaign. The SF2NA campaign is fun and a challenge. WOI/SF2I I'm split between the Six Day War and 1982 Lebanon War campaigns.
  4. Luke AFB : three generations of fighters

    Those Mirages are owned and operated by the defense contractor ATAC. Think they've had them since 2018 or 2019? They're all from French inventory. Another contractor, Draken, flies a number of Spanish F1s.
  5. Mod Eagle looks so wrong on an F-14! As for the Ferris schemes, ANFT.net has the detail, http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-detail-colours.htm I think that VF-101 jet with the white nosed Ferris pattern might be my favorite variation of the scheme now.
  6. Moon to my west, sun to my east, and a long escort mission ahead.
  7. Always loved the Tonka, especially the lines of the F3/ADV. Getting the full experience so far in this ODS campaign. Flying CAP and intercepts around KSA while the Americans go up north and bag Saddam's air force
  8. I'm not from Michigan but the suburb neighborhood tiles feel right at home. So many easter eggs could be placed on this map too. Don't suppose there's a cargo ship that looks close to a lake freighter?
  9. 20

    Congrats to both of you and thanks for all you've done!
  10. Cookie Monster was caught speeding by the police

    Just realized that's an RS2 Avant. What a car!
  11. Hard mode: As World War Three erupts in September, 1979 and the Warsaw Pact breaks through the Fulda Gap, the New Jersey Air National Guard's 141st TFS receives Title 10 orders and deploys to Europe in their F-105Bs. (dear god help me I have no RWR)
  12. Doing stupid shit like this is why I still play SF2 after all these years. An-12s taking off from an East German base my wingman just bombed? Heck yeah I'm gonna go for the guns kill!
  13. An oldie but a goodie, AD's F-105G (With DA's updates) defending Europe during Red Lightning '79.
  14. Nice thing about SF2 is being able to pick it up so easily after not playing for a while. But this time I found myself deciding I wanted to do a a NATO Fighters campaign in an F-86D. How do you fight in it? With only 24 FFARs the Sabre Dog is rather limited unless you happen to have bombers to intercept. And then there's the AI who are completely useless at trying to score hits. So those of you who've managed to do well with the likes of the F-86D or F-89, what are your secrets?!
  15. Dhimar's terraforming technology has gone too far! Paran's response to this Dhimari magic will be swift, violent, and just! Thanks Wrench! I never knew this was a thing from back in the day.
  16. http://www.gonavy.jp/ is a very good source for finding information on historic CVW deployments and assignments. For instance, here's Constellation's air wings throughout her history http://www.gonavy.jp/CV-CV64f.html
  17. For your future use, Midway was forward deployed in Japan at the time. Nimitz, Carl Vinson, and Constellation all made deployments to the North Pacific during 1989.
  18. I was the SEAD. That site wasn't the primary target but I at least wanted to hit the radar after they shot down my wingman. 1994 Black Sea Crisis campaign. Weasel Flankers are still 28 years away. Off to snap some pictures in the PRC. (Yes Formosa Freedom Enhancement is still ongoing just at a slower pace so I don't lose interest)
  19. It's times like this where I wonder if our Soviet SAMs might be a little more capable than what we've seen in real life (I got careless around an S300 battery and didn't think it could bag a plane within two miles of the launcher)
  20. Gepard your personal knowledge of Soviet and Warsaw Pact tactics and doctrine is truly appreciated.
  21. Anyone tried the rocket lofting method that Russian and Ukrainian aircraft have routinely been seen doing over the past two years? If so, have you had any success? I really don't use rocket pods all that often so I kinda suck with them in general. Just curious if anyone has tried it with red air or blue air and managed to score any hits on an enemy tank formation or something. If you don't know what the rocket lofting is, picture an Su-25, Mi-24, or Ka-52 flying low and level, quickly pulling back on the stick to generate a positive angle of attack, and firing off a volley of rockets while in that brief positive AoA, and then quickly descending or retreating to stay low and avoid hostile AAA and SAMs. Here's a couple videos of it being done. I believe it's done to get more range out of the rockets. https://youtu.be/2c_apkoBiuo https://youtu.be/RM30BNUYOe8
  22. F-4 EX?

    Doesn't appear to be in there

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