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Everything posted by Aintry

  1. An F-117? I might actually have a reason to fly bombing missions now. Ah'm puttin' mah han's on the monitor an' ah kin *feeeeel* the powah an' the glory!
  2. Release of beta aircraft results in forum flame wars, so modders don't release planes until they are finished.
  3. You'll have to use the GUI for your sound hardware since you can't do anything in-game to solve the problem. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to recheck your monitor hookup. I run WoE in stereo with no problems.
  4. Are you running a multichannel surround setup? You might want to check to see if the monitors are hooked up right, or try running WoE in stereo to see if that helps.
  5. WTF? I can't find it either, and I *know* I downloaded it from CombatAce. It's Fubar512's 'UberAI v. 2.0' Does Fubar have his own website? Maybe it can be downloaded from there.
  6. How the AI behave really seems to depend on a lot of things. I test out planesets to see how the planes react to each other in combat. I chuck the planes that don't fight the way I think they should, or do some .ini editing if I think that might help. I've found that sound mods and audio hardware configurations, of all things, can affect how planes behave in combat. Even weps behavior can be affected by the sound setup. I tested onboard audio v. my Audigy 2ZS recently and discovered that enemy aircraft would actually self-destruct, occasionally, in onboard mode -- in mid-air. Funny eh? One of the 3rd-party sound mods I was using would cause A2A missiles to detonate prematurely. Weird. But they'd knock the enemy planes down anyway. For a start, you might want to download the 'AI mod' here in the CombatAce Downloads section and see if that helps with AI aggressiveness. If that doesn't work, you might have to do some experimenting.
  7. It looks like either a color value or transparency problem from where I'm sitting. Shouldn't be that hard to fix, but you'd need Deuces' value settings to do it.
  8. Roll Call

    Yokey dokey.
  9. Did you update DirectX? Also, there should be a version number for the game in the lower, right-hand corner of the main screen. If it's the same as, or later than, the date of the latest patch or service pack release, you don't need to update the game.
  10. To think that I bolted SimHQ to escape this stuff...what *was* I thinking?
  11. I second the video card recommendation.
  12. I think it's pretty admirable that Edward decided to take this job on. The stock WoE terrain is an absolute friggin' dog, no question about it. Now, at last, there is a real alternative to the stock WoE terrain. Maybe it'll pump up game sales a little bit.
  13. You might as well say that both models are copied from a real airplane.
  14. Good luck and have fun.
  15. Download the latest version of DX9 from Microsoft and install it -- the entire thing! Don't do any more .dll cherry-picking.
  16. dsawan -- The way I see things going, I'm now recommending against an item-by-item regedit. I use CCleaner; I haven't had any problems with it. I go item-by-item regediting sometimes because automated cleaners don't always do what I want them to. But it isn't a good idea for everyone to do what I do. Anyway, I'm saying this to clear my conscience.
  17. I'm using SFP1, but it doesn't matter anyway, because the .ini edit solved the problem. ECM works, and all planes, including mine, deploy chaff and flare. Everything's OK now.
  18. I think if I were in this situation, I'd disinstall all of my Thirdwire stuff and do a regedit. I know that sucks as an option, but I don't know what else to suggest. If you had a clean, uncorrupted install somewhere you might be able to do a copy-and-paste repair job on your damaged installs. But it sounds like all of your installs are hosed, so you can't do any file harvesting.
  19. Yeah, I ignored the people endorsing the 'dll cherry-pick' and haven't had a single problem with game crashes.
  20. Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll figure out what to do about chaff. Update: Saint, you rock! I did as you said and the countermeasures all work. I had to list chaff as a SystemName also to get them functional. Thanks again.
  21. I see ECM, chaff, and flares listed in the MiG Data.ini, but none are functional when I try them out in the aircraft -- 0 chaff, 0 flares, "no ECM onboard". Is there a missing LOD file or something that should have been included in the download package?

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