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About simonbp

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    Flagstaff AZ
  1. File Name: Avro Canada Avrocar File Submitter: simonbp File Submitted: 1 Apr 2005 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's Happy April Fools! The Avro Canada Avrocar was originally designed as a vtol fighter-bomber, and was picked up by the US government. The low power of the engines, however meant that it could only lift off with ground effect about 1 metre, thus making it the world's first hovercraft, but not a terribly great fighter-bomber... I made this as a challenge to myself in about two evenings, so it's kinda rough (port hardpoint doesn't work, no animations, etc.), but fun nonetheless. To make it true to the original concept, I scaled it up ~15% and gave it a flight model based on an A-4.... Have Fun! Click here to download this file
  2. Happy April Fools! The Avro Canada Avrocar was originally designed as a vtol fighter-bomber, and was picked up by the US government. The low power of the engines, however meant that it could only lift off with ground effect about 1 metre, thus making it the world's first hovercraft, but not a terribly great fighter-bomber... I made this as a challenge to myself in about two evenings, so it's kinda rough (port hardpoint doesn't work, no animations, etc.), but fun nonetheless. To make it true to the original concept, I scaled it up ~15% and gave it a flight model based on an A-4.... It's at mysite below and has been uploaded here... http://wombat.ods.org/cgi-bin/avrocar.pl Have Fun!
  3. Version


    Happy April Fools! The Avro Canada Avrocar was originally designed as a vtol fighter-bomber, and was picked up by the US government. The low power of the engines, however meant that it could only lift off with ground effect about 1 metre, thus making it the world's first hovercraft, but not a terribly great fighter-bomber... I made this as a challenge to myself in about two evenings, so it's kinda rough (port hardpoint doesn't work, no animations, etc.), but fun nonetheless. To make it true to the original concept, I scaled it up ~15% and gave it a flight model based on an A-4.... Have Fun!
  4. I'm 90% done with the Firefly (thanks to Chales' and Gramps' help) and then I'll see if I can convert the Sea Fury to a Tempest, as well as see if I can get CF-100 model (that's been sitting on my HDD for half a year now) working... Simon ;)

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