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Everything posted by tjoz

  1. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    That Armada mode map you dont last long at all, current ship count sits at 240 and it still stable. Though your severely outnumbered, may even up the odds abit more or may leave it for those that like to go in with no chance in hell of coming out alive. Onto other shots, today we doing some before and after shots. This is the stock Death Match map 'Ajilon'. It pretty bland and lacks any feel and dimension to it. Now here is the updated version of 'Ajilon'. Nothing was added at all just the existing map was enhanced with better map lighting (now creates more depth and feel to the map), the nebula was tweaked and the alignment of planets and asteroids were improved. The player count dropped to 3 players as the map is way too small for 4 players.
  2. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    The shots come from an Armada mode map called 'The Melbourne Incident', 2 Klingon fleets attacking 2 Federation stations. One station about to come under attack while the starbase is under heavy attack. This is currently the largest stable Armada mode map ever created, current ship count is over 210. This shot pretty crap quality but it to show the scale of the battle. Thats probably 1/4 of the size of the battlefield, its massive...
  3. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Another shot for you people, the shot of not the greatest quality but it shows explosions showing up on ship hulls. There many things going on behind the scenes besides the ships trying to blow each other up, the AI is the most advanced in any Legacy mod too. I want to get some more shots up throughout the week for you people.
  4. Compatable Mods ?

    Depends which types of mods you are looking at, generally the smaller mods can be compatiable with each other but not recommended and the bigger mods like UUM need their own seperate installs of Legacy. If you have the space, multiple installs of Legacy is your best option. First either copy your UUM install of Legacy into a different directory or rename its folder (Bethesda Softworks/Star Trek Legacy to something like STL UUM). Next you put on the Legacy DVD and select repair-install and it will make a brand new install of Legacy on your computer without deleting your UUM install. Once you have done that, you can either copy it and paste it as many times as you want or you keep renaming the folder to do more repair-installs for however many installs of Legacy you want.
  5. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Two shots for you today from an Armada map that still being built up.
  6. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Stage II of Aftermath will be released within the next few weeks in an 'as-is' state, features that were planned have been cut and will be given to other mods like TLG and Trek Battles. The tutorials are the only features that are being worked on.
  7. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Here is the first teaser release for STL: The Aftermath Stage II, this is the Map Editor Tutorials (Stage II teaser release). What you get are 3 map editor tutorials that cover general mapping, Co-op Wave maps and making your own game modes maps too. There are also many templates to help you out. The tutorials in some area's may not be as polished as the general one, these are to gauge public response to see if they are clear and easy to follow. Map Editor Tutorials (Stage II teaser release) Enjoy and get making maps, there still enough time for any user made maps to be placed into Stage II. Regards tjoz
  8. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Next week the first teaser release for Stage II will be available for download. It will give people a look into how Stage II is shaping up and also will show the level of profesionalism I am taking with my mod. It will also show that I have stepped my game up too, I like to keep improving
  9. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Some more shots for today, they taken from one of the new Death Match maps. The map called Asceron, it a normal system map with a lot of civilian ships around the main station. What sets this map apart from others is when the battles start getting close to the main station, all the civilian ships flee to safety.
  10. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Back to map shots now, this is taken from an early build of one of the new Death Match maps, 'Daruga'. This shot was taken during test stages of the map and once you see the final version you will be able to see bits of what you see in the early build. This thing is huge though. Not to worry though, it wont attack you. That version is in the Survival game mode. A couple other Death Match maps also appear in Survival mode too.
  11. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    No pictures for you today, they will come later in the week. I giving all you people here the final list of Death Match maps for Stage II, only 5 new ones will be put in DM as the first release had 15 new ones. This brings the final Death Match map count to 20 (not including the stock ones). Aruba Asceron (new for Stage II) Badlands (new for Stage II) Borka Mendai Daruga (new for Stage II) Elan Belt Enkhal Nebula Fysphora Helkratizki Lagos Mantara Oslow Riga Langua Saphira Naru (new for Stage II) Tygosia Utara Vantai Visceron Xavira Outpost Zion (new for Stage II) With Death Match and One on One now complete, the Evolution mode almost finished too. Everything is slowly coming together now. There still a few beta spots left too.
  12. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Those ships are Romulan ships, the D7 type is called the Stormbird (Romulan version of the D7) and the other ship is the Whitewing. I like the Whitewing, its good for front attacks but abit useless at the rear and sides. Its a destroyer type. Also in other news, Stage I of Aftermath has been picked up by the German gaming magazine GameStar (Germany's largest gaming magazine), my mod will be in the issue out in the next couple of days. First Legacy mod to be put into a magazine
  13. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Here another exclusive shot just for Combat Ace, again this taken from the enhanced Evolution mode. These maps take a long time to make, maybe the other 3 wont take so long but they still a nightmare to do. I get some more shots throughout the week, I trying to put only my best work into Stage II.
  14. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Here are 2 exclusive shots just for Combat Ace, you wont be seeing these 2 shots anywhere else. These are taken from the enhanced Evolution game mode. The enhanced Evolution game mode has been completely overhauled for Aftermath, its now got alot more depth to it than the original Evolution mode I created. These are in-game shots
  15. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Another shot just for these forums. This is taken from one of the One on One maps in Stage II.
  16. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Another picture for you people over here from Stage II. This is taken from one of the new Co-Op Wave maps. Stage II will feature new additions to the Co-Op Wave game mode, currently the first mod to be able to successfully create Co-op Wave maps. Enjoy tjoz STL: The Aftermath
  17. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    A new promo shot from Stage 2 for you all, this shot is taken from the Badlands map. All work on Stage 2 has returned to normal.
  18. The Aftermath Mod First Release!

    If you all would like to go check out STL: The Aftermath over at Mod DB, we have updated the gallery with 20 shots taken from the mod. STL: The Aftermath Image Gallery (Mod DB) Regards STL: The

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