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Everything posted by tjoz

  1. Aftermath 2.0

    Thanks. We have had a great run with 2.0 so far and its more welcomed considering how tough development on it was. Its all paid off. We have had ModDB show us alot of support by doing week long promo on 2.0 (we were the first Legacy mod to be featured in their 'The Rotator' section on their front page), we have the new deal with RapidGames, Legacy Files did some promo for us and an interview aswell. We also may have a couple more magazine deals too for 2.0 but we waiting to see on that one. Our downloads for 2.0 have been our strongest yet too so thank you all.
  2. Aftermath 2.0

    News and other stuff from Aftermath. Development on 2.2/Content Patch has officially begun. We already have a new mission completed though it will get a few cosmetic changes before its done and dusted. We have I think 3 more missions that have just entered their dev cycles (covering various modes). We been doing some interface studies (concepts and prototypes), its a pain in the ass as usual but they are big undertakings. A new type of Armada mode map has entered its dev cycle which may pave way for an additional Armada mode (Light, Heavy and a possible new one). All depends on how much I can work with it and how far I can take it. We not all on board at the moment but over the coming weeks we will be. Promo for 2.2 wont start for at least another week or so maybe two. Onto some other news, we have another first (more to add to the list ). We have just entered a distribution deal with RapidGames, they are offering Aftermath up at their site and all future releases we put out. They are very interested in our product and its a new partnership for us. We are the only playable ST offering over at RapidGames (the other ST offering is the trailer to ST Online). We are expanding to bigger things
  3. Aftermath 2.0

    Aftermath 2.0 has now been released and is currently only available at our new home. Unfortunately you have to register to be able to download it (dont ask)... Registration is a 2minute process though. The changelog for 2.0 is massive so I wont put it up here but I will break it down for you. We have new modes (3 all up, Survival, Earth Romulan Wars and SFA). We have the stock Death Match map rebuilds, new maps, brand new AI, heavily revised artillery (Photons, Phasers, Pulses), new interface (called Ascension), hundreds of new texture work ranging from interface down to new ship textures. We also have Terran ships, new map backgrounds, script revisons, new Co-op wave maps and much more. Also we got new graphics too. The download link is below, its best to register first then log in then head to the downloads section and pick up 2.0 there. Alternate links will be up over the coming week (ModDB will be up in a couple days, Legacy Files later in the week). Aftermath new home (register, log in then head to downloads for 2.0) For more on 2.0, there are plenty of videos everywhere at ModDB, YouTube and Live Video. Below are a selection of some shots.
  4. Now that I back from my time offline (moved house), we now have a new release for you all. Aftermath 1.7 is now ready to download for all. Aftermath 1.7 (Legacy Files) Aftermath 1.7 (OPTG) Aftermath 1.7 - Change Log and List of Updates: Inclusion of Public Beta PatchTemporary German translation of Interface in English (critical error correction) Ingame interface visibility improved [*]Historical Missions mode [*]6 Historical missions (fully scripted, individual script per mission) Ultimate Computer Wrath of Khan Yesterdays Enterprise Reunification Way of the Warrior Paradise Lost [*]4 new community made maps [*]Armada modes scripted (all individually scripted)** [*]3 new Light Armada mode maps Napala (ENT Vulcans vs ENT Romulans) Khitomer (TOS Klingons vs TOS Romulans) Lareux (TNG Romulans vs TNG Borg) [*]Key mapping Cloak (y key) Long Range Sensors (u key) Self Destruct (i key) [*]1 new Death Match map (Armadus, player count corrected) [*]7 maps lighting improvements (stock, stage 1 and public beta maps) [*]2 additional speeds (RCS and 3/4 impulse) [*]Explosion behaviours enhancements (ongoing changes and refinement) Torp impacts give off bursts of light [*]Updated splash for 1.7 release [*]4 load screens in new format (gradual change for rest) [*]New Aftermath intro video [*]Updated registries [*]Improved textures/glows [*]Vibration enabled (beta stage, ongoing testing) [*]Vulcan ship overhaul (stage 1) [*]TOS photons corrected [*]Several ship readjustments [*]Upgrade System refinement and balancing [*]Foundation work for 1.9 release There will be a patch released soon for some fix ups and hte German translation
  5. STL The Aftermath 1.7 released

    Now onto our first major news piece for 1.9, we got alot to go through today. First up, we got new members on the team now. Since 1.7 we have had 3 new modders join up to Aftermath. First up is Barihawk, he came on just before 1.7 dropped but he is working on the ENT era at the moment in balancing and new ships area (more on that later). Second member is our latest one to join up is Trekky/Conner. He will mainly be working in the scripting area but he also be on over at New Gen too. The two teams will be training Trekky/Conner in scripting and mapping so each team benefits. Our third member is an already established modder that has had over a years experience with Legacy. Accurus has signed up with Aftermath, he has had very succesful run over at TLG and has been around throughout the development of Aftermath (in fact, he actually came up with the name of the mod way back last year). Many areas of Aftermath are shared with both TLG and New Gen and all the teams work well with each other. We also have people that do work on Aftermath but not on a permanent basis such as Dontdrunkimshoot/Fangoriously of the OEM mod. He helps out with the Vulcan ship area and several other odf areas. We also work together in other areas too. Also we work with New Gen alot too in a few areas that are in development. Work on 1.9 is going well. Our first bits of material we have been showing are our map rebuilds of all stock maps (including campaign) and our new Borg Cube textures. Alot of the stock maps have had drastic changes made to them that give them a whole new feel, some of the most drastic changed maps are Ikalia, Klothos and Taugus. Our Borg Cube is the work of Skeeter and is very impressive and finally looks formidable. The visual difference with our Cube is the first of many changes the Borg will be having for 1.9. Other areas in development are the expansions of the Historicals, One on One, Evolution and Armada modes (more maps/missions for them) plus the inclusions of new modes (the modes will be announced later on in development). We have also just begun our first major revamp of the weaponry system from weapons themselves right through to weapons behaviors and characteristics. One such new behavior is the phaser impact against a shield has been revamped to give off light and the colour of the phaser will show up in the impact area on the shields to give an overall effect of heat dissipation. Gameplay will also be overhauled too with more importance being played on ship selections as there will be advantages to picking certain classes over others such as the inclusion of cloak detection in some classes. What we are doing is further distinguishing the ship classes from each other. There be plenty more videos and shots put up over the coming development cycle of 1.9.
  6. STL The Aftermath 1.7 released

    Happy Easter to all you people, we got some Easter presents for you too in the way of videos. I dont know if the rest of you people have Easter at the same time as we (Australians) do. Today you have just under 15mins of footage from 1.7 to knock yourselves out with and Ive also finally updated the Live Video page too (about time...). These two videos will most likely be the last footage seen from 1.7, all videos after today will be of the 1.9 release. Aftermath at Live Video (Ultimate Computer) In video 1, you get 5mins of footage from our Ultimate Computer mission. You get to see a few areas that have been introduced into 1.7 such as our TOS photons, the orbit command and the new engine speeds in action. Our Historicals always are more than just shooting some ships up and the mission over, this level of depth in the Historical area is yet to be handed to the public by other teams. We want people to do more than just shoot a ship, in the future there will be some Historicals that will be non-combat oriented... Aftermath at Live Video (Khitomer) In video 2, straying completely away from non-combat, we have many ships shooting the [censored] out of each other courtesy of the Light Armada mode map "The Khitomer Massacre". You have about 10mins of war footage to look at here, if you like things that go bang then this is for you as there plenty of it. Now this plays slightly different now in 1.9 as the Romulans are in the middle of being overhauled in many areas (including weaponry). So this is the last bit of 1.7 footage with regards to TOS era Romulans.
  7. STL The Aftermath 1.7 released

    A little sneak peak at how things are coming along for the 1.9 release... And there is another one too ... Maybe next week I will show it in action
  8. STL The Aftermath 1.7 released

    Throughout the next couple of days we will be updating our video and image galleries that we have all over the place, at the moment I concentrating on just ModDB but later on today we will work on Live Video and the image gallery over at STGU. We still have around 50 promo shots to go up and we will be putting out small picture download packs too. We currently have 2 new video up at ModDB which will later be mirrored over at Live Video. The video footage is of two Armada mode maps 'Ukari Sector (Heavy Armada, Hailing Frequencies promo video)' and 'Mercy at Lareux (Light Armada)'. We be putting footage up of the first cycle of historicals too over the next few days. The cut off date for all 1.7 promo is Easter, after that all promo material will be of the 1.9 release. Aftermath videos at ModDB **Please note that all video from the 1.7 release and beyond will now be in the DivX format and not the Xvid format, there may be slight loss in clarity as we are now using DivX. Also ModDB has a different video player to Live Video so their will be a slight visual differ
  9. Welcome all to STL: The Aftermath's Stage 2 announcement. After long consideration, Stage 2 will now be going ahead and will be released within a late September to late October time frame. Although Stage 2 will be the last STL: The Aftermath release by me... What are guaranteed for Stage 2 is at least 7 game modes, some of which are exclusive to STL: The Aftermath. The game modes that will be in Stage 2 are Armada, One on One, Survival, Evolution, System Conquest and new game modes such as Infiltrate and Sabotage. More on the new game modes will be announced as time goes by. There tutorials of Stage 2 have a major revamp to them and there are now more than 5 of them in Stage 2. The tutorial half of STL: The Aftermath will be taking a more 'hands-on' approach in Stage 2, the perfect way for up and comming modders to familurize themselves with Legacy. Stage 2 will be a stand-alone download, it will have all of Stage 1 content included. Other features of Stage 2 will be announced in due time Visit Outpostraders Gaming for more info on STL: The Aftermath Outpostraders Gaming (STL: The Aftermaths sponsors) Regards tjoz
  10. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    It been a very long time since we have posted here, but we are almost ready to release Aftermath 1.7. We are now getting the final touches done on this release and we have already begun laying the foundation work for the next 5 releases. There have been a few changes since last progress such as the interface and Survival mode are being held back for the 1.9 release (which will be mainly focused around textures). The 1.7 release will have enhanced AI, the Historical mode (final touches are being done on 2 late submissions for the first cycle of the missions), updated Vulcans, more maps and many more areas. The main focus of the 1.7 release will be the Historical mode. More news on Aftermath is that we have changed our release schedule. There will be no large scale stage releases, from now on we will be having periodic releases with each release having a key focus on one or two areas at a time. This allows for us to fine tune our mod further and also wont overwhelm the player with new content. This way everyone will be able to play every area of the mod to see the amount of hard work and effort that has gone into it without overlooking areas as this is something that happens in the large scale stage releases. A complete run down of what is in Afteramth 1.7 will be up at end of the week. We have new video up at our Live Video page and over at ModDB plus an extensive gallery at ModDB and STGU. The STGU has 23 images currently and the ModDB gallery has roughly 100 images currently. Aftermath is the only Legacy mod to have broke the top 100 mods over at ModDB (our highest position has been 26 out of 7000+mods) and is the highest ranked Legacy and ST mod at the site. STGU Afteramth Album (updated weekly) Aftermath Live Video (high quality video area) Aftermath at ModDB A little bit of a Combat Ace exclusive for the time being, the Terran Empire are making their way into Aftermath in future releases (and a possible campaign for them)...
  11. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Progress has been slow lately on the mod, the next release more than likely be pushed into February as we not getting as much work done as we can. What we are working on at the moment is the new interface, historical missions and 8 selectable ships and selectable enemy fleets. We have been making progress in all areas. We going to start putting up some new video footage soon too.
  12. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Work on the mod going slowly as usual, between the team being in either summer or winter we wont be getting as much work done on it as opposed to the cooler seasons of the year. Those that are in the US and the UK know cold it has been and for those that live down here in Australia will know how hot it has been, especially those down in Melbourne in the last two weeks (we had our hottest end of year and start of year ever recorded)... This is why we are moving slower than normal, its either too hot or too cold or someone is sick or injured. What we have on show for today is shots from the Survival mode. After the mode being on hiatus for almost 7months, it now getting some new additions. The Survival mode will be the only game mode I created to remain unchanged from its original concept, whereas all the other game modes have changed since being placed in Aftermath, only the Survival mode will still be of the same concept as the first version of the survival mode that is found in UUM. This map being shown today is called 'Rylon' but may get changed to another name depending on what mood Im in when it time to release , may get changed to the name of the planet where the mine field is located. The map is playable from TNG Klingons and it a populated Romulan system. Something also in the system is a mine field... Our mines are still being worked on but we have had them in development for some time now. On the subject of game modes, it is now the 1year anniversary of the creation of the Armada and Survival modes. This time last year was when the very first Survival and Armada maps were created, the two game modes have come a long way and have had their own bit of controversy too. From the Armada mode off to a shaky start when it was opposed by particular modders, the Survival mode being deemed too hard and to the most recent and most troublesome were the accusations of the game modes I created not being my own work. Contrary to what others run their mouths about it, the game modes I made (Survival, Armada, Evolution, One on One, System Conquest, Infiltrate, Sabotage and Annihilation) were not made by Maddoc or Bethesda and they were definitely not 'simply activated' as other modders have stated... There will be major features tested over the weekend too so hopefully there be some positive news to report on that for next week.
  13. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Aftermath's first news piece for 2008. After the holiday break, work is still continuing in various areas of the mod. The Historical Missions roster is building up and the missions that we have currently are always being fine tuned to make sure they each have a difficulty balance and as most user interaction they can have with the mission while keeping it true to the scenario's seen on screen. Some of our new additions are the 'Paradise Lost' mission by Gamemaster and the 'Reunification' mission by Skeeter. Some of our Historical Missions will also spawn offsets into other game modes such as the Paradise Lost mission which will also have a Survival mode counterpart. As well as some of the Historical Missions spawning offsets, some maps from the other modes will have counterparts too. Onto other areas that are in development is the brand new interface which is slowly coming together. The new interface is the first non-Federation based interface for Legacy, the new interface has overtones of Romulan characteristics. Apart from the visual difference, the interface also is of a more ergonomic design that maximizes screen space which has proved invaluable in the new Tutorials section of the mod. The new interface is still far from complete. As always, we have made further improvements to the AI which has resulted in more graceful combat, AI response time improved and improved threat analysis programming. A surprising offset to the new AI changes has seen a reduction in lag from the more demanding areas of Aftermath. This means the Heavy Armada mode is now more accessible to more players without depriving them of the full experience that is to be had from the mode. The upgrade system has also been refined to be of more tactical advantage then being a god like advantage. We have also updated our Live Video page with more footage from the mod. We have new footage of two Historical Missions (Wrath of Khan and Reunification by Gamemaster and Skeeter respectively) and footage of the Saphira Naru map, the 2007 Map Contest winning map. Over at Mod DB we also have alternate video footage of the maps Saphira Naru, Visceron and Death Adder Pass. Aftermath Live Video Library Aftermath Videos at ModDB We still have plans for a late January release but we may push it back to a mid February release depending on the amount of content we can get done.
  14. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    It been a while since we have posted progress here, lately we have been taking a break from modding Legacy so we can come back to it with all fresh ideas as most of us on Aftermath have been modding the game since it has come out. Some of the things we have been working on in the meantime are our Historical Missions, the new interface, custom AI (for use in Historical Missions), menu system ergonomics, textures, registries, exporters (possible new tools), fleet expansions, ship balancing correctness, the game modes, loading screens overhaul and more. We only been doing small bits every now and then. There will be a new release towards the back end of January 2008. In the meantime, you can find some of the Aftermath content in other mods like the recently released TLG 2.3 stand alone mod.
  15. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    I like the TLG mod, they have a high attention to detail and always put out a very solid and high quality release. Also vote for TLG too at Mod DB awards, they up at Mod DB too. Vote for them Vote for TLG at Mod DB
  16. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    It been a while since we have been making progress, lots of things have been going on ranging from family commitments, school, work, personal issues etc... But we slowly getting back to normal now. We got 3 members on board (including myself) with a possibility of an extra 3 coming on board in temp capacities. What we are working on now are Historical Missions, the shot below is taken from an early build of The Wrath of Khan mission by Gamemaster. Aftermath is also getting a brand new interface that will be as far removed from ST as I can get it. We currently have just finished balancing out the upgrade system too and the weapons system.
  17. Also the mod was featured in Bethesda's monthly newsletter too
  18. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    More progress reports from the mod. Stage II coming along nicely, many areas of hte mod are being worked on and improved plus a lot of testing on new features been going on too. This update focus on one o fthe new areas to come to Aftermath, Historical Missions. The Historical Missions game mode will be made by Gamemaster and my other team member, currently we have the 'Way of the Warrior' mission up and running. You get to play as DS9 and you have to hold off the Klingon fleet until help arrives, a mission that has 50/50 odds, you will either make it or you wont. You really need to make full use of your power allotment and all to be able to survive till help arrives. Way of the Warrior (footage) The video a bit blurry as I was trying to get it under a certain file size so I could get it up on Mod DB too in their video section but it went over. In next week or two I will repost the footage without having to worry about getting it uinder a certain size.
  19. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Above link been deleted, here is the new link. Only difference is it a 1mb difference, it now 81mb. The fixes were in the One on One mode and the intro video was slowed down by 10seconds and the Void map was updated. STL The Aftermath Public Beta (fixed)
  20. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Now for todays bit of information about the new Aftermath release, you get to play it for yourselves now. This is the new release, STL The Aftermath Public Beta. This is your first hands on taste at how Stage II is coming along. Stage II will be out next year more than likely as we will be covering even more areas plus we got 3 members now with more coming on board over the next few weeks. Back to Public Beta, this is what you get -One on One mode (scripted and playable from Feds, Romulans, Klingons and Vulcans) -Enhanced Evolution mode (2 maps, still in testing stages though) -Heavy Armada mode -Light Armada mode -6 new DM maps -2 new Co op Wave maps -13 new and updated registries -Improvements to the AI -Interface update (all areas including upgrade system) -Aftermath test intro added to start up sequence -Physics (ships, weapons and explosions) -Era revisons -Romulan, Fed, Klingon and Vulcan ship improvements and restructuring -Lots more stuff too Its 80mb and can be placed on either a patched or unpatched version of Legacy. If you put it over other mods it will wipe out most of their stuff. This is a complete install it has all Stage I in it too thats why its almost triple the size of Stage I. STL The Aftermath Public Beta Other links be up over next few days, ModDB may be upto 2weeks before they get it as they just gone through a major site overhaul.
  21. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Some more news for you all, there will be a new Aftermath release next week. On Monday November 11th, STL: The Aftermath Public Beta will be released. This is the first hands on release of how Stage II is shaping up. Here is a few bits of what will be in the public beta. -One on One game mode -Evolution game mode -Heavy and Light Armada modes -Ship physics -New maps -Updated AI Plus many more. Over the next couple days more will be announced on whats in the Public Beta
  22. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Havent put much up here lately, been busy getting them videos up on the Live Video page and getting new members settled into the mod. We got another new member with the possibility of further expansion of the team. I going to be putting up shots over the next few days, but for today I show you one of the new registries thats in Aftermath. This is the USS Atalanta, a Posiedon class destroyer. I did this one. Currently I doing any ENT new regestries. So far there are 4 new registries for the ENT era, Atalanta being one of them. Also, a surprise will be announced shortly, maybe even a couple of them depending how things go.
  23. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Something new for you people, we now starting to put up video footage of Aftermath. We now have a Live Video page set up where we be uploading video of Stage II. The Aftermath Video's You will still be getting your shots up too. Also, Aftermath is the only mod to have other races in the Campaign environment. The video best explains it, you can now play as other races instead of Federation. Been a long day and my wording not as good as it is normally, plus we just had a power blackout for 6hours... Check the video site often, it being updated always whenever we get new footage up.
  24. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    There is both NCC 2000 and NX 2000. I be putting more shots up of two new ships, the USS Oahu and USS Maui. There are a small task force of ships named after the Hawaiian islands that tie in with the new game modes.
  25. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Been a little while since I have put up shots, but we got new member on Aftermath now, Gamemaster. Some of the shots today are of some of his work (the USS Hawaii and USS White Fox).

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