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Everything posted by colmack

  1. a little Albany render I think i have got almost back to were i was even some with a little Improvements
  2. in settings you have to turn your effects down to LOW, at least that how I get it to work so you sacrifice a few things but then you get a RED STOBAR
  3. OHHH I'm sooo pissed I was making great progress with Albany then Max decided to take a crap on the file!!!! even my backup is screwed?? can I say Gawd dammit!!! on the forum!!!!! on a side note I do have a older copy but most of my improvements from the last 2 or 3 weeks are gone
  4. Know the how big it is

    a friend sent me this link Relativity - The Scale of the Universe..... http://htwins.net/scale2/?bordercolor=white
  5. the carrier is supposed to be Filthy Dirty and Rusty or Swanky Frankie CV-42 it could be used for the pre 66 refit of Midway too by deleting the forward port lift
  6. I have been fiddling with mine as of late can't say when or if she will be ready to join the fleet but I would like her too plus a few others I have been doing
  7. Thanks for all you do! Raf team looking forward to the release and really thank you BTW the screen shot of the Rafale-M F3 scratches me rite were i itch..
  8. already looked at them,,,,,,so far nogo I'll send u what I have on it so u can include it on any package you release,, be nice to have the decals set so we can have all the ships in that class represented
  9. Btw Ive got the faragut class destroyer leader's missile system working btw
  10. download not working for me...? EDIT: working now! thanks!
  11. Yeah I've seen this a few times to and it always happens when its like the best shot ever thinkin gawd cant wait to post that one and you go there and NO JOY!!!!
  12. I'm not a number I am a free MAN!
  13. It seems to solved a M.E. issue i was having of more then two carriers
  14. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    he probably would but I pile so much on him sometimes I feel sorry.......................... sometimes ;-/ plus I think the shipyard is in sort of labor dispute with the upper management, you know how them ahhhhhh workers are always wanting more more,,,,, vacation, sick leave, bonuses safe working environment, 16 hour work week being paid 40, full company supplied retirement and medical for life OHH did I get that wrong that's Congress......................
  15. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    Anybody want to finish her up? it's an old Kiev model I had purchased a few years ago to put into CFS2 and never did anything with it.
  16. Share your Favorite Utility

    I like a little proggy I use for backups n such called Allway Sync, works allot faster then cut/copy n paste Hmmm that reminds me Its time to run a Sync job...... witch can be scheduled www.allwaysync.com
  17. HMMM someone is going to have to make excuse to be on the 15 a few days in Oct just to see that!....................... Oh babe I need to go to Costco, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sweetie... I know you want some of them cupcakes from that place on Flamingo I live about 80 miles northeast when they are dog fighting you can see the contrails real good and sometimes they buzz my town
  18. (CLICK!) Ummm this is the Capt speaking, looks like we are going to have to divert... (CLICK!)
  19. A little update...on my side.. I got Ulyanovsk to work again the caveat is that I had to turn down my effects to low, I tried to use the stock effects but that didn't help as far as that goes as long as effects are set at low I can use Ulyanovsk it seems I don't know if this is pre-june update because I had never tried that before.... anyway she is back in the fight!!!!

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