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Everything posted by colmack

  1. She rocked my world!! got do a little more massaging the numbers of the rear launcher to the aspide-albatros in the box but other then that......
  2. Thanks I'm trying to get the C551 Giuseppe Garibaldi SF2NA operational so far so good she has the back launcher animated already BobRock set it up as a "fake" gun with this info I should be able to get all systems in the green! ..........one more thing when you setup the NetworkType= should it be RM_SHIP or NATO_SHIP or just blank?
  3. Is anyone else seeing the Ulyanovsk startup hang I'm seeing it at 40% so far the only ship that it is happening with. I'm hoping its a some type of data issue because I hate having her in drydock it started after the last patch.
  4. I see no problem, Guess Kiev is going to have to hold the line then. btw any word on Kuznetsov
  5. Im going to see about getting the french navy rocking to the fremm and the other dd. maybe the cdg n mestral there is also that itailian job that needs so work...
  6. here is a data ini for the Anzac/Yavuz I put together prob needs some more work on some numbers as the Rim 7 cant hit a barn with the wrong side of a cow but it works... ANZAC_DATA.zip
  7. C-5 crew.

    While the C-5 was turning over its engines, a female crewman gave the G.I..s on board the usual information regarding seat belts, emergency exits, etc. Finally, she said, 'Now sit back and enjoy your trip while your captain, Judith Campbell, and crew take you safely to Afghanistan ' An old Master Sergeant sitting in the eighth row thought to himself, 'Did I hear her right? Is the captain a woman? ' When the attendant came by he said 'Did I understand you right? Is the captain a woman?' 'Yes,'! said the attendant, 'In fact, this entire crew is female..' 'My God,' he said, 'I wish I had two double scotch and sodas. I don't know what to think with only women up there in the cockpit.' 'That's another thing, Sergeant,' said the crew member, 'We No Longer Call It The Cockpit' 'It's The Box Office.'
  8. never invite a vampire into your house....
  9. I thought it was pretty cool when I saw the RIM-2D terriers "boosters" drop off from the WBS Bainbridge last year being a limitation at the time it was just the whole missile simulating booster separation but looks like TK has made it a reality now!! with his RIM-2F, maybe we can have MIRV"s LOL
  10. Congratulations to My Wife

    Congrats to both of you, I hope you guys have fun with your future together.
  11. It is working fine with the old system "TOASTED MY ASS" but was thinking about adding the SSM she has tubes for them right behind the VLS and thought it might be easier with the new system....
  12. Fubar That's SICK!! HMMM,,,, me wondering about subs
  13. I'm working with the Iron Duke type-23 released by SUICIDAL in the SF1 section wondering with the VLS since its giving problems to you WBS if I made it have a YAW would that free up the problem of VLS not working?
  14. she is nailing me from about 60 miles could be farther but as soon as she spawns and locks on me she sends missiles down range
  15. Just to give you a heads up Ground objects folder in the download is not nested right there is no "CG-47" to contain all the CG-47 data so it will all spill out in the Ground objects folder
  16. Should all of the ships be upgraded to the new weapon data system? or just the ones that carry multiple missile systems the reason I'm wondering because was thinking about doing a few myself...but if they already work in the old system?
  17. KC-135?

    I snapped this while as Art Bell would say "over flyover country" didn't really get time to get more then a few seconds visual as it was flying in the opposite direction.
  18. KC-135?

    I didn't even know, or think it was a tanker till a few days latter when I was scanning trough my phones piccys and thought i saw the tail boom then had to wait till I got home to get a blown up view actually also got these at McGhee Tyson TYS waiting to head home tho the quality is not what i was expecting plus in my minds EyE I can remember the T-38 Talon on final waiting for to leave right in front of us but couldn't have my devices turned on damned FAA!
  19. F122 gave me the Lumber all weapons worked in fact got took down by Mauser fire after taking a glancing blow from a RAM
  20. one problem with f122 & the RIM-7E is that the F122's RIM-7E models the missile housing cover as part of the missile. it maybe prudent to rename F122's missile so we ain't using the stock RIM-7E on that ship...
  21. one question i have is do i have to run the old weapons through the new editor individually to make um work as i couldn't see the new stuff in SF2e on the new ships until i renamed the weapon folder to something other then weapons but of course lost all the old weps like the sm-2mr and any other then pre sf2na march2012 patch as soon as i renamed the old stuff came back and new stuff went away
  22. I do think your choices to get started were good though because both had aaimated launchers that did notheing btw you should look at udaloy II and see if you can get the ciws systems missiles workin too.

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