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Everything posted by colmack

  1. is the bravo just a gunship? it lets you add SW's, but if it is just a gunship that is how i will use her. TY guys!!
  2. He was USS Oriskany not USS Forrestal witch also had a very big deck fire like Forrestal The Big E also had a bad fire durring the war I have flown this mission its fun!! the ship model is just jaw droping, hell just that is worth the $10 price of admission
  3. Hey All, Wondering if someone could bang out a skin for VA-152 on RAZBAMS AD-6 Thanks
  4. yep ur'll right i used my girls machine to get the file and it lookin good! thanks
  5. Hey Dave, I'm having a real problem downloading the VF-103 skin always stops around 3% I tested a few other files to see if i was getting other stuff and was able to cause I thought it was my anti/spyware proggy I just installed but that seems not to be the case.... anyways I just thought i would give you a heads up....
  6. these people (and I say that with tongue in cheek) just make me sick!!!! I'm so ashamed that have even visited this town.....or even believed my self a remote member of their extended community for 40 years. if for some unforeseeable reason that city council chambers were to slip off into the pacific ocean during a session that might clean up this city until the FREAKS VOTED More FREAKS back to office.. the streets of San Francisco HEY city council :f***: :fans:
  7. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    San Francisco city council's stated reasons for there anti military bigotry on our troops this one they say because traffic control but every month they let this little thing called Critical Mass that snarls traffic for the rest of the night and they are very militant attacking motorist if they don't get there way. also stated reasons for there stance is the disagreement with the war(s) the military stance on the gay issue. saying they don't want to seem like war mongers for allowing the military to be in the city JROTC shut down… [ROTC opponents’] position was summed up by a former teacher, Nancy Mancias, who said, “We need to teach a curriculum of peace.” USS Iowa turned away… “But also, it’s a warship and it’s got guns on it. It fires things. You know, you can’t deny what it is.” Gerardo Sandoval, Memeber of San Francisc Board of Supervisors Killing officers is OK… If there’s one slogan that’s come to represent the anti-war movement in its current incarnation, it’s one that appeared on a banner in a March 15 [2003] demonstration in San Francisco. It bore the message,“We Support Our Troops, When They Shoot Their Officers.” This banner has been seen around the world and cited in more than 400 publications. Blue Angels not welcome… The annual aerial show by the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels — a San Francisco tradition dating back to 1981 that pumps millions into the local economy — is running into opposition from three local peace advocacy groups that are calling for a permanent halt to the popular Fleet Week flyover. CodePink, Global Exchange and Veterans for Peace, Chapter 69, are working with Supervisor Chris Daly on a Board of Supervisors resolution to address concerns over the Blue Angels. And now, the United States Marines are denied permission to film a recruiting commercial in the city… “It’s insulting, it’s demeaning. [Film Commission Executive Director Stefanie Coyote] is going to insult these young heroes by just arbitrarily saying, ‘no, you’re not going to film any Marines on California Street,” said Captain Greg Corrales of the SFPD Traffic Bureau. also......
  8. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    click the link under "the streets of San Francisco"
  9. I would say just San Francisco & Santa Cruz or any town the UC system infests except Davis an exception to the rule
  10. I have done a search but i can't find out if AI planes will open there bomb bay door during an attack I can get my wing man to do it but another element will not they just start orbiting until AA brings um down do you have to do something in the mission file to tell the AI to open the doors?
  11. Hey C well i don't have control to tell um what to do for instance I'm Trout flight they are Lion flight my Trout boys do there job But the lion flight says it's "going in hot" but they just orbit, I have tried this on a few diffent aircraft. example I set up an AI B-52 strike in my mission they get on target and don't do the job
  12. Hi guys, wondering why "we" I mean modders both pay and freeware add Exhaust Emitter's to helo's and prop planes I have seen allot of army coppers in my day and they never had an Exhaust trail as for planes the only ones i have seen that did where C-130 & P-3's. it's no big deal just wondering I comment mine out so i don't see um.
  13. Doin good Bro, made a big move out of Cali, and had to get back into the work force hope all is well on your side!! been having fun with all of the new toys around here really likin the YAP products

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