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Everything posted by colmack

  1. I didnt think "Fake" parts could be animated?
  2. Virginia CGN 38 Truxtun CGN 35 Belknap CG 26 That should just about round up the USN Cold war Cruiser force.....
  3. Iwo is doing fine one of the contractors might be doing some pre-commissioning change order work....... you know redtape cost overruns so on n so forth
  4. FULL steam to catch the battle group
  5. it's because everyone always loses when you use the nuclear option ;)
  6. No..... but forestall's had that gun setup
  7. here is a place to get drawings http://shipbucket.com/images.php?dir=Real%20Designs/Great%20Britain/FF%20F38%20Arethusa.gif
  8. A10cartoon1

    seems like the truth
  9. Love the boats!! hey WBS i might suggest have float pontoons strapped too the side to I seen a a few photos like that GO GATOR NAVY!! https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrTcYMDhilVJEQAz30unIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNGhibW5nBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM2OWRhY2U5MjVmNDY2OGZiYjJmZGRkNDYzZTAyNjRjNwRncG9zAzI5BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dnewport%2Bclass%2Blst%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26hsimp%3Dyhs-001%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D29&w=1772&h=1181&imgurl=www.navsource.org%2Farchives%2F10%2F16%2F1016117926.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.navsource.org%2Farchives%2F10%2F16%2F161179.htm&size=294.9KB&name=301k+USS+Newport<%2Fb>+(LST<%2Fb>-1179)+moored+at+Rapallo+(Genoa)%2C+Italy%2C+8+March+...&p=newport+class+lst&oid=69dace925f4668fbb2fddd463e0264c7&fr2=piv-web&fr=&tt=301k+USS+Newport<%2Fb>+(LST<%2Fb>-1179)+moored+at+Rapallo+(Genoa)%2C+Italy%2C+8+March+...&b=0&ni=21&no=29&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11i5nstdv&sigb=13pqlo033&sigi=11fu15qd4&sigt=12nctg0rq&sign=12nctg0rq&.crumb=v5g6QZQLWVI&fr2=piv-web&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla
  10. that's the one from the Malvina's pack Because i have it too. i think who ever helped in the mod may have got it from Capun and then did there magic to it I'm not sure who tho? i think remember getting an email for permission n witch i said do whatever you want I don't care :-) WWII boats a few ain't ready yet need work on guns and such
  11. if that is the "DAT boat" then it was origianly mine from my VN CFS2 PHP Collection that i sent to DAT a few years ago before i had max?
  12. yes you hit the hammer on the "bell shape" that is for sure thank you so much!!
  13. Jug Has Passed Away

    R.I.P. Jug S!
  14. in game: as you can see there are a few issues that need addressed...
  15. Nice Saaverda! i aint seen anyone ever break out the "Nigerian prince" reference just friendly advise i don't think this is the hill you really want to defend
  16. Oh Snap! Wow............... just Wow......... SMH
  17. personally I love the "module design" type development why build things over and over when there is already a good model of the object sitting around
  18. little bit artistic license as i couldn't find a good shot of one, the photo is from my phone emailed to myself being as I don't have my Dev machine "CONNECTED" most of the time.
  19. slapped some paint on it................. not a pro job by any means.

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