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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. That will be it then , I'm still using XP ( hopefully upgrading to Win7 after Christmas) Ravenclaw, how on earth do you manage to start your plane on the ramp?
  2. I'm playing about a new cockpit for a late model TSR2 but the problem I'm getting is that the radar sweep arc is off set to the right as you can see from screen shot:- As you can see the arc curve is cut off short on the left hand side and the sweep arm is set to the right a bit. Any ideas what I should change? Thanks.
  3. Thanks Crusader, That sorted it, I thought it was probably to do with those entries but I didn't think it would be as easy as deleting them! Many thanks
  4. Just thought this was a nice shot of a Crusader.
  5. Which Processor ?

    Hi all, Well it's got to the point that there's not much more that I can do to update my poor old Fujitsu Siemens PC so I thought that this time I might have a crack at building my own PC instead of buying off the shelf. I've set myself a budget of about £1000.00 give or take for the total build. I can't quite make my mind up of which processor to go for. The two choices I have in my price range are:- AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2HGz AM3 Black Edition Processor. Or Intel Core i7 930 2.8GHz 8MB Cache LGA1366 Socket. The PC will be used for various stuff, gaming wise I play SF2 ( all versions) Various racing games, RTS games and a few FPS. I'd be gratefull of any input. Many thanks. Mikeymead
  6. Which Processor ?

    Well got there in the end, new pc is up and running, I don't know what the performance is like yet as I'm still in the process of swapping stuff over. Running XP at the moment as I had a spare copy of it kicking around. I'll get Win7 next mounth. I really quite pleased how it's going so far, thanks you guys for the help.
  7. Happy Birthday bobrock & allenjb42 !

    Happy Birthday to the two of you.
  8. OT I should be happy

    I know what you mean, My wife's just gone to Australia for 3 weeks with her mother to visit her brother. My wife is one of those who likes to chatter to her self ( yes she's a bit mad ) and by god the house is quiet now! The week days aren't too bad as I get home from work quite late and start quite early so they just fly by but I reckon the weekends will be a bit odd. Still I guess I've got it better than my retired father in law, he's got his batty mother in law to contend with while his wife's away.
  9. Spinners, I noticed on your Swift that you seem to have the front screen quarter panel glass sorted. On my SF1 install the glass seems to be missing. Did you fix this or has the model been fixed?
  10. Which Processor ?

    New system is coming along quite nicely, just got to get the memory now. One question about that, was going to get 1600MHz CL9 sticks, but would it be worth paying the extra £40-£60 for 1866MHz CL9 or 1600MHz CL7. Will I get any benefit or in the real world will I not notice any difference?
  11. If you are having problems with the right slat replace the right slat data in the Data ini with :- [RightSlat] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CDdc=0.0028 Cmdc=-0.0002 DeltaStallAlpha=5.00 AreaRatio=1.02 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK Setting[1].Angle=20 Setting[1].DeployValue=9.7 Setting[1].RetractValue=7.7 Setting[2].Angle=41 Setting[2].DeployValue=13.8 Setting[2].RetractValue=12.7 MaxDeflection=41.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=4.0 AnimationID=8 ModelNodeName=RightSlat ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE
  12. Jaguar GR3A For SF2

    Ok, when I've got a chance I'll take a look at this and make the necessary changes.
  13. Out of interest what have you got the "GroundObjectRole" set as? Also you say you do have the radar, excuse my thickness but I've never seen a radar for the Bloodhound.
  14. Hi Sundowner, They seem to work on my installation, what's not happening with yours?
  15. Which Processor ?

    Thanks JediMaster, I must admit I've found your suggestions with my new pc build extremely helpful, You've probably prevented me from making both silly and costly mistakes. Cheers:
  16. Which Processor ?

    Just thought I'd give a bit of an update. I'm having to buy the components in groups of about £250.00. I'm about 3/4 of the way there at the moment. When done I'll probably partition the hard drive so I have the option of duel booting Win7 or XP. What is the best way of doing this and how much room should I allocate to the operating systems? Many Thanks.
  17. I know its a bit of a long shot, does any one know if the RAF Jaguars had a stall warning alarm or did it just use a stick pusher. If it did have an alarm, what did it sound like? Many thanks. Mikeymead
  18. Wildlife....European style.... Nice Jags.
  19. Ok, last pair of Jag shots, I promise! 16 Squadron.
  20. Possibly, I've still got 1 more squadron to do. I'm using a modified Tornado F3 pit as I couldn't get the TV screen to show in the Jag pit and still keep the moving map. The Tornado pit is quite similar but generally seems a lighter in colour and I'm not sure if my skinning skills or patience are quite up to a pit repaint!
  21. Just in case you weren't bored with me posting Jag shots. Here's three more works in progress.
  22. Sundays Shuttleworth Pageant

    I love the Shuttleworth shows, I try and get to see at least one a year, normally the military pageants. The atmosphere is so relaxed and I love how compact the place is. The best air display I ever saw there was a RAF Buccaneer in the late 1980's which came in so low I swear it had to climb to clear the boundary hedge. Such a contrast to their more sedate biplanes.

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