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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. Spinners, Sundowner, great work on the TSR2 skins. But I've got to ask, how on earth do you turn out this work so quickly? I've done a couple or three skins which took me ages and one template which took me even longer! Did you make your own template or is there one available? Either way great work anyhow.
  2. File Name: Fictional Saab/BAE Gripen FGR1 File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 17 February 2010 File Category: What If Hangar Saab/BAE Gripen FGR1 For Strike Fighters 2. Simple mod of the Gripen Team's Saab Gripen to represent a fictional angloised RAF version of the Gripen. Small changes made such as Eurojet2000 engine instead of Volvo unit. Slightly up rated pylon weights and RAF spec loadouts. 3 new skins to represent 6, 25 & 74 Squadrons. Installation. Drop all folders into your desired mod folder.(let it over write) Run and save both weapons and guns editors.(I think this is necessary for new weapons to show up) That should be it. Best used with the SF2 Weapons Pack by 331Killerbee. Thanks to:- The Gripen team for creating the Gripen mod. Brain32 for converting the Gripen to SF2. Spinners for his RAF decal pack. Tk for the SF2 series games. The Combatace community for helping me out when ever I need it. Freeware use only! Click here to download this file
  3. I had a similar problem with an X850 Pro card running in XP. Only way I could cure it was by setting sea detail to low and horizon distance to normal. I've now got a Radeon HD 4600 card and can now set water detail to high with no shimmering. I'm surprised you're getting this problem with a superior system to mine.
  4. Version


    Saab/BAE Gripen FGR1 For Strike Fighters 2. Simple mod of the Gripen Team's Saab Gripen to represent a fictional angloised RAF version of the Gripen. Small changes made such as Eurojet2000 engine instead of Volvo unit. Slightly up rated pylon weights and RAF spec loadouts. 3 new skins to represent 6, 25 & 74 Squadrons. Installation. Drop all folders into your desired mod folder.(let it over write) Run and save both weapons and guns editors.(I think this is necessary for new weapons to show up) That should be it. Best used with the SF2 Weapons Pack by 331Killerbee. Thanks to:- The Gripen team for creating the Gripen mod. Brain32 for converting the Gripen to SF2. Spinners for his RAF decal pack. Tk for the SF2 series games. The Combatace community for helping me out when ever I need it. Freeware use only!
  5. File Name: Saab Gripen Template File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 16 Feb 2010 File Updated: 27 Feb 2010 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets 1028 x 1028 Saab Gripen template that I made up, It's not perfect but it's a good basis to start with. Thanks to the Gripen team for making this aircraft. Suitable for both SF1 & SF2 Gripen Freeware use only! Click here to download this file
  6. Did the last round of SF2 patches change the way the game handles in cockpit HUD display. On some of my 3rd party planes such as the gripen and FA-18E i have lost the attitude lines and compass lines. The green DTV texture has also disappeared on the FA-18E. If there has been changes what should I be looking for. If it makes any difference I'm running the games in XPSP3. Mikeymead
  7. Thanks for the complement Spinners, your decal pack made life a bit easier with this.
  8. 6 & 25 Squadron Gripen FGR1's on joint exercises...
  9. Any one know what's going on here? Looks Like a TGA fault to me, Typhoon installed to SF2 combo pack.
  10. Thanks for the reply James. How are things in Rotorua? I visited New Zealand (North island only) a few years back. It's the only country that I've visited that I thought I'd like to move to.
  11. RAF 6 Squadron take their new Gripen FGR1's out on a training mission over the target range.
  12. Hi, does any one know if SF2E handles TLR's differently to WOE. The only reason that I ask is that I can't get GBU-39B's or GBU-40's to load onto the BRU-61 quad rack. Using for example the F-15E, In WOE you can load 4 SDB's on to each pylon that will accept EOGB, EOGR and TLR's on the load out screen. In SF2E this won't happen, it will however load 3 GBU-40's onto a triple rack used by AGM-65's. I have checked the BRU-61 rack in my SF2E weapons pack and all looks ok. Also I note that the TLR's will only take EOGR and the GBU-39B is an EOGB. The GBU-39B should be compatible with the BRU-61 rack. How would change an EOGB to an EOGR?
  13. If anyone's interested I've cracked it but to me it makes no sense! I had originally change all the attachment points to USAF only. Now to my mind this should be ok as the BRU-61 and GBU-40 both have USAF attachment types as well as USN and NATO. I added NATO to the relevant pylons and bingo, it now works as it should. Funnily enough I've been having a similar problem with the Brimstone 3 rack on a fictional RAF Gripen that I'm working on. I had all the stations set for UK attachment types only. Like this only 2 Brimstones per rack would load. By adding NATO to the station data it would load 3. As I said, It don't make no sense to me!
  14. Well, I made the necessary changes to stations 5 & 7 and even made the changes to the center pylon but all with the same results, only 3 weapons loaded! Now, while I don't pretend to be an expert I have been playing around with loadouts for a couple of years now and generally manage to get the desired results that I'm after. This though is really stumping me. I've included my data ini and and loadout ini just in case I've been careless and missed something obvious. I changed the loadout.ini on the F-29A to use the BRU-61's and GBU-40's and that works fine, so it's definitely only a problem with the F-16XL in my installation which I trying to port over from WOE to my SF2 combo pack and using a slightly modified version of the stock F-16 Netz cockpit.
  15. I see where your coming from FC, Problem is I am using stations 5a and 7a with EOGB,EGOR and TLR added. I'll try making the necessary changes to 5 & 7 to see what happens. As for the custom weapondata.ini/dat file I'm always eager to learn. No hurry though. Mikeymead
  16. Sorry Ericj, I didn't mean to come across irate or anything like that. I greatfull for any help I get
  17. Hi, Sorry for stupid question, the loadout and data files for the Pasko's F-9J Cougar call for a Tank150_Cougar. I can't find it in the weapons folder and it doesn't seem to be included in the aircraft download. I've done a search but not come up with anything. Anyone know where I might be able to find this tank. Many thanks.
  18. First thing i did. Weight limit for pylon is 2000KG. 4xGBU-40 and rack is less than 1000KG.
  19. Thanks EricJ, that did the trick but it's still not wanting to behave! As you can see it's only loading 3 bombs per rack, and yes I have listed 4 in the loadout ini. It does load 4 on the F-15E but not on the F-16XL that I'm playing about with.
  20. If you're interested in Dogs

    Yeah, I watched it and found very interesting and enlightening, it really made you think! Sometimes I think that most dogs are more intelligent than some people I've met:blink:
  21. File Name: O-1E and Cessna180 Cockpit mod. File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 11 Jan 2010 File Updated: 12 Jan 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Cockpits Simple mod that removes the un-needed canopy frame and makes use of the models internal framework on the O-1E and Cessna180 included in the SF2V Air and Ground war expansion pack. It's not highly detailed but it seems to work ok and looks less messy than what we had. Installation:- Simples! For the O-1E just drop the O-1E Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main O-1E folder and hey presto! For the Cessna180. Delete the cockpit folder, copy and paste the O-1E cockpit folder into the Cessna folder. Then drop the Cessna180 Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main Cessna180 folder and you should be set. Thanks to Wrench and Wolf for the original cockpit. All I've done is some ini editing! Mikeymead. Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    Simple mod that removes the un-needed canopy frame and makes use of the models internal framework on the O-1E and Cessna180 included in the SF2V Air and Ground war expansion pack. It's not highly detailed but it seems to work ok and looks less messy than what we had. Installation:- Simples! For the O-1E just drop the O-1E Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main O-1E folder and hey presto! For the Cessna180. Delete the cockpit folder, copy and paste the O-1E cockpit folder into the Cessna folder. Then drop the Cessna180 Cockpit.ini and Data.ini into the main Cessna180 folder and you should be set. Thanks to Wrench and Wolf for the original cockpit. All I've done is some ini editing! Mikeymead.
  23. Are you having this problem on stock terrains or third party? I was having a similar problem with an add on terrain and found that it was due to differences in the terrain data ini. due to the way textures are now handled. If it's on a stock terrain is it from a data ini that is in your mod folder and may have been before the patch.
  24. Hi, I've noticed that the standby compass TGA is missing in the F-84 and F-86 pits on my SF2.E installation but present on my WOE one. I guessing that they use a stock TGA that have had a name changed in the gen2 series so are not being found. They look similar to the compasses used in the F-4, F-105 and I think A-7. Does anyone know which TGA's were used in the F-84 and F-86 pits so that I can make the necessary changes or if not that where I should look for them? Many thanks. Mikeymead.

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