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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. Thank you very much Coupi, found it and all working now. Cheers:good:
  2. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone.
  3. Hi all, Just getting round to making the stock Mig-23s flyable in SF2E and and started with the Mig-23M, I have come up against a bit of a problem. The wings are always fully swept back, even on take off. At the moment I'm using the stock data file, I've compared it to data file for the same aircraft in WOE (which works fine) and the look basically the same so I'm not sure what the problem is? Any one else had this problem and found a fix for it? Cheers all. Mikeymead.
  4. Well, just simply a thing of beauty, turns like a oil tanker but what would you expect with a plane that big!
  5. Hi, I'm trying to update the Italian AMXs and I'm using the Cockpits from both AV-8Bs as replacements as they seem the most suitable. The only problem that I have had is that I would like to remove the nozzle angle gauge and make a small adjustment to the MFD on the AV-8BDA pit. I've removed the numbers for the nozzle gauge on Bitmap and removed all the entries pertaining to it in the cockpit data ini but the needle still shows up? On the MFD side I would like to add a second centre store symbol and also reposition them so they sit next to each other. Is this possible via Ini editing or does the lod need to be altered. Many thanks Mikeymead
  6. Just a quick bump but it doesn't look like I'm going to have any luck with this one, never mind.
  7. Thanks for the reply Silverbolt, not quite the answer I was hoping for. I've looked at the F-15C pit, it is probably more similar. Though I don't think that the MFD works on it (If I'm wrong please point me in the direction of the fix as I can't find one.) In fact I think the stock F-15A pit is even more suitable for the early AMX if the Radar display could be changed to an MFD but my knowledge of these things is too limited.
  8. Your not alone, I can't see it either. Then again its well known that I can have something staring me in the face and I still can't see it Sorry I can't be more help, I don't think it's SF2 specific as it dosen't show up on the WOE version either.
  9. Now, I'm guessing I know the answer to this one already as I can't find it in the download section but I'll ask anyway. Is there anywhere a template for the excellent Saab Gripen? Many thanks. Mikeymead.
  10. Thanks for the reply guys, I thought that was the case. Looks like I'm in for a long job (not to mention a steep learning curve in my case and a lot of frustration) Still, it will keep me out of trouble!
  11. Well I think it's quite a good idea, it will give him an extra income and will be good for those who aren't so confident with modding. From what I gather they will be small packs of on or two versions of a plane with a few skins and campaigns. Lets face it, if you don't want it don't buy it. You can't always expect stuff for nowt!
  12. Really nice to have this aircraft. I quite fancy having a go at a dark green skin that I have seen some of them in. Where would I get the template from, should I PM Timmy?
  13. Here also:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...00&hl=patch Mind you I never managed to fix it so I just keep my water effect on low.
  14. The end is near

    29's nothing mate, I've be married twice since that age. Hang on a minute, I'll get the rope (Don't generally have guns in England) Ps. Just joking, the best part of your life is still to come, probably!
  15. Hi Veltro2K, Nice to have the F102, Thanks for all the hard work that you do. One thing I noticed on the control surface side of things is that on my installation the rudder animation seems back to front, I see that no one else mentioned this so it might just be me. Once again thanks for all your efforts. Cheers.
  16. Hi all, I've been thinking about getting OFF.BHaH but I'm not sure if my current system is quite up to the job. Current spec:- Windows XP SP3 Intel Pentium 4 2.6Ghz HT (I'm pretty sure its got twin processors as Windows task manager shows 2 graphs for CPU Usage History) 2.5GB ram ATI Radion X850 Pro 256mb GPU Onboard sound. The system is pretty old now but has been steadily upgraded through out its life but I have now come to an end with what I can do with it and to be honest I can't see me getting a new system this year. It plays modded versions of FE, WOE and WOI on medium settings at any thing between 15-45fps depending on aircraft type and averages 25fps but does stutter badly when things get a bit busy! What do you guys think? Thanks. Mikeymead
  17. No, defiantly running an Intel Pentium 4 processor, I've looked into what the HT bit means and apparently it was a system that let a single cpu act as a pair. I think? Thanks for all the replies, I will probably order soon, any one know when the Easter offer runs out or is that a stupid question?
  18. Hi all, I'm having a problem with the Bristol Scout D blowing up on the runway as soon as I start the game. It works fine on the Flanders terrain but not on the Verdun one that I have installed. I have changed the cockpit to the one from the pup but I don't think that's the problem. I have added the recently released 1915_17_FE_Plane_FMs_for_Nov_2008_Patch to it. Any ideas what I should be looking at?
  19. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy Birthday Dave, have a good one
  20. Works really well, very pleased that I bought one.
  21. These new F/A-18s are the Dogs Bo****ks! Thanks Guys.
  22. Here are modified data and cockpit files to enable the co-pilot to show up in the cockpit.
  23. File Name: Add the Co-pilot to the Veltro's SU-24M Cockpit File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 10 Mar 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits Here are modified data and cockpit files to enable the co-pilot to show up in the cockpit. Just let them overwrite. Thanks to Veltro for excellent addition. Click here to download this file
  24. Version


    Here are modified data and cockpit files to enable the co-pilot to show up in the cockpit. Just let them overwrite. Thanks to Veltro for excellent addition.

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