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Posts posted by sgran

  1. I wasn't flying the Fokker. He was my victim. :grin: . Anyway, I've tried just about every resolution I can. Nothing works. Even the frame rates are dropping again. Then again, I'm flying St Mihiel in an SE5a and that is really busy, so that probably has something to do with it. 3 More missions and I get the Viper variant.

  2. Sorry, that was a typo, its actually a 7600 GS. My desktop is on 1152 by 864, and i just set OFF to 1280 by 1024, and did a flight. The bad frame rates are greatly diminished, but the compressed screen is still there. Once i can find a way to get rid of it, then ill be fine.



    by the way, how do you put in a picture? i just uploaded one on the combataceforum, but it wont let me put it in the post.

  3. Well, I suffer from an awful old 13 inch acer screen that is nearly as old as the aircraft that i fly with it. I tried setting the solution back to 4:3, and it makes absolutely no difference. 1 inch of the left hand side of the screen is as good as useless, and the rest of the screen is ridiculously compressed. Also, the frame rates are awful, despite being under the same settings as before, which actually had some good results. Im sure that getting rid of that problem will also get rid of my bad frame rates.

  4. I've recently had to reinstall CFS 3 and then off, have patched it up to date, and reconfigured everything to the way it was. Now I'm not much on the technical side of things, but now every time I go on a mission, the simulation always seems to be on the right hand side of the screen, and seems to be compresses. How can I get it back to wide screen settings?

  5. Flying with RFC 1 in January 1918, I went on a balloon busting mission. when it told me to attack and locate the target, I attacked the Balloon, firing my Le Prieur rockets, directly hitting the gasbag, and it explodes with a brilliant flash of smoke and fire. I run home, and land to a successful mission, but it won't let me claim for the balloon. I hear that in a balloon busting mission, when you blow up the balloon successfully, you can claim for it like you would an aircraft. Is this a glitch, or can't you claim for balloons after all?


    By the way, the Superpatch rules! Well done developers. Can't wait for the new aircraft!

  6. I am a new user, and am so far really enjoying OFF. Ive been flying a variety of campaigns, and have noticed that with all of the crash landings and all the times ive been shot down, not once have I been injured. I'm either always killed or fine and dandy despite flying nose first into the ground from 8000ft. Not that I don't like a second chance, but i'm sure i should have been hospitalized plenty of times. I've just started an Eindekker campaign in July 1916 and i've came up with a problem. For some reason, everytime i start a new flight, this comes up. how do I get rid of it?


  7. I am flying a german campaign whith the Fokker DVII and i am on a sweep over an airbase, and my squadron gets attacked by Two SPADS and a two seater, i shoot the wings off the first one and after a while i set the Two seater alight. No sign of the other SPAD so i fly back to base. When i go into debriefing, i'm credited for all three planes, i just flew another mission over the trenches, as soon as i cross into enemy territories, we are attacked by Two SPADS, i shoot one down, and i presume the other is shot down by my wingman, when i debrief, i am credited fro both SPADS, how can i set this right, and stop myself from getting extra kills?

  8. this is the only info i get in the campaign folder for squadrons (this is an example)



    UnitName=Jasta 18










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