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Posts posted by Stacks

  1. I always taxi back up to the hangars (or an area I deem a de-arming zone) after a completing a mission. Then I just wish I could turn the engine off and sit back with a sigh of relief as another mission is done and more combat hours in my logbook.


    I realise it's most likely hard-coded but starting up and shutting down the engines (even if it was only one button) would please me no end. It's the only major complaint I have with the Thirdwire sims.


    Anyone else have similar thoughts ?



    Yes indeed, but the ONLY game I know that does that is Falcon 4.0

  2. Can SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!! No matter how many times I reinstall my WOV copy, I never get the AIM-7 Sparrow Missiles to work!! I've also installed the F-14A TOmcat, and my AiM-54 won't even show on the loadout screen!!! I have every other weapon workin, but It's driving me crazy now....Has anyone had this problem besides me!!!????


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