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Everything posted by Cali

  1. What name do you use when you fly in our server?
  2. Are you trying to connect thru hyperlobby? what is the game doing?
  3. Thanks for posting that ice, right after you made a fool of yourself again. So happy B-day afla.....and tell the other mods I said I still love them.
  4. 3Sqn A to Ground stats server is up and running check here and check out the Air to Air stats server here A big thanks to Mugatu for all his hard work.
  5. And our mission rotate every 180 minutes, unlike some servers that have the same mission running all the time.
  6. Another year has come and gone, have a good day and thanks for being a good friend.
  7. Welcome to the forums, glad you found us.
  8. The mods over there can make useless threads all they want, but once someone else makes a thread they move it to the chit chat forum, that nobody looks at or even knows about.
  9. Let those idiots talkk to themselves, and have nice lil threads now that all the funny people are gone. WELCOME PAULIE and have fun here
  10. Glad you stop by, you wont get banned over here for agreeing with someone thats for sure.
  11. Have you guys seen this http://www.lockonforum.de/thread.php?postid=24936#post24918 & http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=24903 <---be aware of bannings
  12. Sure they can still get mad and add warning to you if they want, have you forgotten who you are dealing with? viper_205, Try not to say anything that will hurt thier feelings, have a opinon, disagree with someone else, call someone out on a lie....I could go on for days but have to go to work. If you want more pm me and I'll hook you up. "Ban of brothers"
  13. Just be carefully what you say there, I got banned for agreeing with someone.
  14. Too late here also, throw me on the BAN wagon hehe
  15. I'll raise your 5 bucks and say that they ban his IP
  16. I see the mods over at lockon.ru can do whatever they want, opening up closed threads that they started so it can be bumped to the first page again. Gotta love those guys, nice work evilbivol
  17. Nice job, loved the shots you picked, that must have taken some time to do.
  18. I had that link in my first post Rugg.
  19. I heard GOZR is the newest banned member, but I can't confirm that yet.
  20. oops I guess I should have said sphincter munchers
  21. The mods at rockon.ru need some major help, locking threads for nothing. What a bunch of buttmunchers...

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