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Everything posted by Cali

  1. I quit flying FC2 in Jan 2012 when the idiot hacker ruined every server online that had people in it. I switched over to BMS and never looked back. Hopefully FC3 will be as good as we hope and bring the numbers back to flying. I have DCS A-10 and BS, but stopped flying BS for the reason I stopped flying FC2 and just got A-10C. However I was flying BMS too much and never got into the A-10. I will only be buying DCS or 3rd party products that I will actually fly. I'm not like some people on ed's site that will buy anything and everything just to support them or 3rd parties.....that's not me. I'm not going to waste my money on something I don't like. No Mig-21, P-51, Huey or a few other 3rd party models in the making........modern aircraft is what I like.
  2. GIANTS!

  3. Opens fast also, at least compared to a F-16, F-15, F-18 and A-10 all which I have seen.
  4. Looking forward to seeing what other fixes are in FC3. FC3 will bring new life to this series, I'm looking forward to the amount of people flying FC2 when it first came out.
  5. A Huey, come on DCS, bring fighters! F-16's, F15's and F-18's WTH! Next we are going to have a jeep and that stupid atu-80 thingy.
  6. You don't have to buy the Mig-21 to shoot it down. I'm only buying the models that I will actually fly. I know a lot of people will buy everything cause they want to support ed or the 3rd party builders, but that's not me. I'm sure all these aircraft will do good, but I see nothing in the works right now that I will spend my money on.
  7. Love the name on the side of the jet. It would be nice if other people could see your skins without having to download them.
  8. Camp bastion Attack

    Sad news
  9. Nice job, I like the dark grey on the 16's.
  10. Nice A-10C, I like the bombs on the side also.
  11. Dave, I worked on that AK A-10 tail # 240
  12. Greetings all (and some photos)

    The guy in the 6th pic is rocking skinny jeans, nice pictures.
  13. Autobots......

    Nice find
  14. He said he wasn't a A2A guy, guess he is right or maybe he just wants to show us the battle damage.
  15. Finally Ordered A New PC

    Have fun with the new system, I just built one in June and it kicks butt!
  16. Falcon 4: BMS 4.xx

    This is where I have been spending all my time flying. The UI, setting up and flight can't be beat.
  17. Caption This 2

    Guess he was told to get a bag of jetwash.
  18. MP is a must for me, if it doesn't have it I'm not buying it!

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