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Everything posted by Tooner

  1. Hello all, Problem solved. It seems the 'wingleveler' option is better for testing aircraft speed than trying to hold the stick steady by hand while reading the speedvalues ! Fokker DVII: SLPowerDry=137954.5, MaxSpeedSL=56.91 does 189km/h Fokker DVIIf: SLPowerDry=167782.5, MaxSpeedSL=57.55 does 202km/h Thanks everybody for your help. Regards, Tooner
  2. Hello Tailspin, Appreciate your help, in fact I tested ( as you did ) with the wingleveler and came to the same findings as you did ( with the original data.ini's ). So the stock data.ini's aren't that much off the mark after all. Now i'm going to redo some testing with different SLPowerDry settings. Thanks Regards, Tooner
  3. Hello Tailspin, Thanks for responding. Can you explain to me how you 'up' the HP, because with the speedvalues you give my problem would be solved. Regards, Tooner
  4. Hello p10ppy, I know the thread you're referfing to; I've studied it,and experimented with some SLPowerDry values given there. For the CDO/CDL and/or prop efficiency I think it's over my head; I'm no brain-surgeon you know. Do the ConstantSpeed=TRUE/FALSE and MachLimited values count for something ? Anyway thank you for taking the trouble to respond. Regards, Tooner
  5. Hello all, Flying the Siemens-Schuckert, it seems somewhat underpowered, it does only about 145 km/h while it should do about 180 km/h, I think. Fooling around in the aircraft's data.ini hasn't solved the problem. Is there someone who can help me out ? It would be appreciated very much. I'm using FE+patch+Expansion Pack1 and peter01's FM's. Thank you. Regards, Tooner
  6. Hello gentlemen, I finally resolved the 'problem' with another option. I took the data from the Pfalz D.8 ( same engine, same 4 bladed prop but more HP ). So in the Data.ini //engines I changed: ReferenceName=Siemens-Halske ShIII 160 HP to ReferenceName=Siemens-Halske SHIII 160 HP (rated 200HP) SLPowerDry=119312.0 to //SLPowerDry=119312.0 SLPowerDry=149140.0 ConstantSpeed=FALSE to ConstantSpeed=TRUE SlowPropRPM=300 FastPropRPM=600 MaxPropRPM=900 to SlowPropRPM=400 FastPropRPM=600 MaxPropRPM=1500 ( this is just a little bit to much, adjust to your liking) Finally, as the Siemens-Schuckert and the Albatros DVa have about the same speed I put in the Albatros's max Speed value: [FlightControl] MaxSpeedSL=51.39 And now she flies like a bat outta hell !! Regards, Tooner
  7. Hello Heck, Thanks for the tip, I 'll give it a try. Regards, Tooner

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