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Everything posted by SkyStrike

  1. Well...Basically the 'G' model was the 'F' model with an added twin .50 caliber gun turret in the chin section...
  2. f-15 mid air breakup

    So you're saying that A clean F-15E doesnt perform as well as a C variant only because of the additional crew member & not because of extra hardpoints, CFTs ,etc...? I agree with you there.... I've already taken the above highlighted point into concern long before reading this thread.... I was under the impression that later variants of a particular aircraft retain all the capabilities of previous variants, plus have new capabilities... but I had no idea that maneuverability could be compromised a bit as a result...
  3. f-15 mid air breakup

    If That's the case why do they even bother to upgrade these aircraft if the later variants don't perform well as their predecessors ???
  4. H.A.W.X.

    Yeah... kind of... If there's an F-14D with BVR ability I'll be happy... However I was referring to the what-if future variants in an earlier thread of mine: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry146986 Besides, The F-14 is or should I say was the West's only long range interceptor before its recent withdrawal from combat service, sadly without a suitable replacement for the fleet defence role which it carried out... & furthermore It's high time a modern air combat PC game came out with a stock flyable F-14...
  5. f-15 mid air breakup

    Thanks for the supporting reply..:)
  6. H.A.W.X.

    Finally....a prospective modern air combat game for the PC.... I Just hope it has a stock F-14 (preferably updated with new avionics, TVC & BVR abilities as well as super-maneuverability...)
  7. f-15 mid air breakup

    All right... Agreed. But most if not all combat aviation books, magazines & documentaries say that an F-15E relieved of its air-to-ground weapon loadout and given an air-to-air loadout handles just as well as any air superiority variants, like the A or C... And these sources consider the F-15E "The World's most versataile warplane" One last question.. Doesn't the F-15E have more powerful engines than the earlier models?
  8. f-15 mid air breakup

    Those were the the figures given on Wikipedia for the unit cost of an A,B,C or D variant, to be more precise... By the way...Aren't F-15's still in production?
  9. Good Luck Chuck!

    In his many movies, especially "The Ten Commandments" & "Ben-Hur" ; he always represents an induvidual who's willing to do anything for truth & justice.... I'll always remember his famous punch lines in the movie "The Ten Commandments": "What I Did, I Was Compelled To Do" "The Strong Make Many Bricks; The Weak, a Few, and The Dead None"... Truly a remarkable actor.....
  10. B-1 crash in Qatar

    As much as I hate to say it: THe USAF's apparently jinxed!!!!!!! Almost like some sort of black magic or sorcery!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. f-15 mid air breakup

    Good Lord!!! That would mean US$137.5 million per jet!!!!!!!!!!!! compared to US$29.9 million per unit F-15...... IMHO, they ought to upgrade all F-15C/Ds to the proposed 'F' standard....
  12. f-15 mid air breakup

    I'm Sorry to contradict you JM, but a USN F-14 was shot down by an SA-2 during the 1991 Gulf War... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-14#United_States_Navy But as you said, they've never been lost in aerial engagements...
  13. f-15 mid air breakup

    My Point Exactly...
  14. f-15 mid air breakup

    I don't wanna get political, but Boeing's got nothing to do with this.....the government ought to realise that it's putting the life of a lot of good men on the line.... They ought to ensure that all military personnel have the best & most reliable equipment for combat service, for the sake of safety & efficiency.... Furthermore... Without Govt. clearance there's nothing Boeing can do..... Besides, altough the F-15's the only combat proven jet that's never been shot down in action, it's over 3 decades old....they ought to do something to increase the airframe's lifespan, IMHO. Im Not trying to judge anyone's actions here...All I'm saying is that the above highlighted point should've been taken into concern.... My apologies in advance if i'm offending anyone by this post....
  15. f-15 mid air breakup

    Something's SERIOUSLY WRONG here...USAF jets dropping out of the sky quite frequently.... According to an earlier topic in this forum i thought that the U.S. government was going to provide $50 billion or so to re-service/upgrade its F-15 fleet....as replacing all of them with F-22's isn't financially viable.... what about that?
  16. F-14A / B / D

    Nice one.... An F-14D at last..... One question though... Is this mod compatible with The Mirage Factory's USN F-14? or is it an exclusive to the Iranian variant?.... and what about the skins? Is it possible to use the regular F-14 skins posted here? Thanks in advance... Cheers!
  17. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    Great!!!! looking forward to it.... all the best with your endeavours.... Thanks.. Cheers!
  18. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    thanks.... Sorry to be too demanding but do you have the same variant in USN colours??? if not it's ok no probs....
  19. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    COOL!!!! Do you plan doing a coloured sketch of this version sometime? Just a humble request/suggestion.....
  20. Nah... Not really, AFAIK... Thank heavens for the Mirage Factory's F-14... Many thanks to the Mirage Factory as well.....
  21. I'd like to add someting else here: As we all know most combat flight sims are stuck in the WWII era...and as or those that proceed further... they mostly halt at Vietnam. and for the very few that proceed further than that; They do not proceed any further than the Cold War end or to the early '80's AFAIK, most the modern jet combat sims released over the past 8-10 years lack modern jets....except maybe Atari's Falcon series...and the modern jets for all the other sims are mostly if not completerly, third party add-ons (which I really appreciate very much)... In other words; If some game developer were to create a sim similar to Jane's USAF with better graphics, flight model, avionics and STOCK F-14s, F-15s, F-16s, F-22s plus some of the other modern combat jets... It would definitely sell..... Another Example i'd like to quote is Lock On: Modern air combat. Even though i haven't played it as such, I didn't bother to get it because the Tomcat, Hornet, Nighthawk & some of the other jets were only AI... they actually made Frogfoots flyable & Tomcats AI ?????!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD HEAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???????!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    You're most welcome, Talos. I had a look at the other jets... they look pretty impressive..... I also downloaded your JASDF weapons earlier.... they're quite good as welll....
  24. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    Well... there are quite a few drawings in the link i posted earlier..

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