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Everything posted by aleks

  1. MIRAGE 2000-5 FOR WOE



  2. if u use a custom made model , perhaps you mast reset x-form in 3d studio max for the piece
  3. T-2E buckeye beta testing......
  4. training flight over south aegen sea
  5. first of all,remember that each animation starts from number "01" to "00".for example, if u have animated a piece in first animation, use keys from 01 to 10, for animation 2 keys from 11 to 20, ecc.check wll the animations assigned between the model and the ini file second, in modelling with 3d studio max ,before making the hierarchy between the model parts, assure yourself of having reset the Xform in every single piece.then that all the pieces have their pivots orientated as they ought to, in world coordinates.then, put the pivots in the right place and re-connect the hierarchy.
  6. perhaps the one who made skins forgot to colour the doors :)...just control , if u have a program like photoshop, by positioning a copy of the wing skin of swiss livery to someone existing, to see where the door is placed
  7. Shot down?

    it was the first shot of the journalists.....the plane was shot down by anti aircraft artillery.firstly it was said that was at the Gheddafi's army, then it was said that the pilot took the plane to assist the revolutionary forces...the situation is really chaotic down there
  8. another option could be to use either a variant of APG-66 or the "grifo"radar,which actually operates with pakistan f-7 skybolt.that means also that the aircraft could be enabled to use newer variants of Aim-9 missiles and all the relative air-to-ground armament from west germany's arsenal.defa cannons were too effective to renounce and they are at the same caliber, so the plane doesn't gain anything in this sector. for engine better use a newer atar 9k-50, all the rest around the world in these days were bigger, older (avon) and j-79 proved that needs modifications(as they were made in kfir) to be installed in the mirage 3 airframe and work properly.this fact, in few words gave an aircraft not really much better than the initial mirage in agility and range, but only in the capacity to use a bigger font of changing parts provided by USAF
  9. ha-300 already flies...it needs some skin correction
  10. NEW rifle

    don't fire in auto more than 15 rounds, if not, the barrel will melt. when you shoot,pull the hand guard towards the ground, the rifle has tendency to lift the barrel while shooting.from all the handguards, the one with the two metal legs is the better.and the best to do is to clean it very thoroughly inside, after firing
  11. Non è Banale

    ragazzi ,felice anno a tutti!
  12. have a look at the taiwan service of the voodos....i saw once a picture of a single-seater (perhaps rf-101c with taiwanese markings ...perhaps they had there a more consistingservice of recognition over China
  13. sad to hear so;;;;;i eard even that the new aircraft carrier "Queen Elisabeth"will enter in service and remain on it for only 3 or 4 years...after that it will be put in long term deposit ...
  14. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    happy birthday , buddy!!!!
  15. recently i found a photo with them, training and tests with the boeing 767 air refueling platform converted by IAI
  16. no, entirely new model......not even mapped in many parts...just to see how it goes on air
  17. i thought this one wasr eally a forgotten piece...DASSAULT Rafale-M
  18. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    hai tutta la ragione...pero ci manca l'incentivo...qualche proposta?scenario?
  19. Voi lo sapete che io sono un anticapitalista..

    si, concordo.....una donna di questo genere e un affare tipo pc...in pochi anni perde il valore e rimani con la "carcassa"...csomai cominci a spendere ai chirurghi plastici, quindi diciamo 2 operazioni estetiche l'anno al minimo...ecco dove andrano a finire i 500 mila dollari annui del aspirante compagnio di vita
  20. this plane was hard to command and the noise make mad all the test pilots...perhaps it could be thebest weapon for the vietkongs, to make them leave the jungle :)by the way, there was also an f-101 that used the same conformation with propeller at the nose.both of them discarted because the jet engines became more powerful and secure
  21. the usual story:soviet jets and missiles were underestimated by NATO.perhaps, because of the practice to export "lighter"versions with inferior electronics to airforces without high leveled trained pilots....thank God the US forces used special training schools like the tp gun, to evolve practices nd manoeuver profiles for contrasting better armed and more agile rivals....i read once an article about mig 23, one of the more undervalued soviet aircraft.
  22. .....that turret issue......there must be a way to make it fire against ground objects....or we must make hover tanks???
  23. Another one...........

    happy birthday Carlo:drinks: !!!

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