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Everything posted by aleks

  1. ID(io)Ts....................

    ragazzi ci siamo.....dopo un lungo travaglio, un nuovo membro e apparso nella famiglia di aerei.grazie al aiuto di molti di voi, come Erikgen, Bobrock,Spillone104, Nghengo ecc, vi presentiamo SokoG2 Galeb.spero almeno che adesso qualcuno pensera su un mod balcanico :)
  2. ID(io)Ts....................

    we really need some ini help about alouette 3 :(
  3. http://images.google.gr/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VoabGNCjIxg/SUewiVt9bQI/AAAAAAAACFk/T1KQRI9y9Sw/s400/SK%2B105%2Bfoto8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://landcombatcb.blogspot.com/2009/04/steyr-daimler-puch-sk-105-kurassier-o.html&usg=__W9VhhaXG0kPQQECo500dPdW9-jE=&h=332&w=400&sz=32&hl=el&start=17&um=1&tbnid=Bh3T6ayAdacN0M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSTEYR%2BSK%2B105%2BKURASSIER%26hl%3Del%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
  4. time to have a vintage flight.........by the way, what was the israel nickname of Avia S 199???
  5. Happy birthday HGBN!

    happy birthday buddy
  6. ID(io)Ts....................

    to Pato Poli :) abbiamo gia un c-101 in archivio, in fase di modellazione avanzata (tessiturespagnole e giordane).non ricordo se lo abbiamo fato volare , meglio chiedere Spillone 104 , Nghengo o Bobrock
  7. F-104S Revamp

    1978....il governo Carter intende a cominciare trattative con il governo Sovietico per riddure i missili ballistici ed il numero di bombardieri strategici.come segno di buona volonta' decide a ritardare le vendite di f16a in europa, ai paesi che lo scelgono per rinforzare le proprie forze aeree.gli utenti europei di f104, avendo esperienza di costruzione e manutenzione decidono di aggiornare parzialmente le loro flotte di starfighter come intercettori di bombardieri startegici. sotto l'egide di FIAT Avio ed MBB, industrie che hanno prodotto gran numero di cellule e partrcipato a programmi di sviluppo (f104s, possibilita di produzione di x-27 lancer, f104 CCV)si avvia il programma di F-104V Starlancer.italia, germania, danimarca,norvegia, spagna,ollanda, belgio,grecia e turchia finanziano il programma di aggiornamento avanzato del ultimo intercettore per quick reaction allert (....un bel "what if"scenario, eh?)
  8. Auguri DySkO!

    buon compleanno Dysko!!!auguri!!!!
  9. Happy birthday bobrock

    buon compleano Bobrock!!!!i miei migliori auguri
  10. [Fictional] F-84H 'Sharav' for SF2:Europe

    hi my friend!have a look at photos of the suez crisis, and you'll see that ther weresome f84f with israel markings!!there were french aircraft of armee del air, based in israel and cyprus, which, for political reasons changed their markings to partecipate at the war....if i remember well, they used a camo
  11. hi buddy! this is how i do..... first of all, check your data file to see how the gears are described, if they are retractable or fixed.find the exact diameter of the wheels to make them stay as they should in ground! then in the model try to have the wheels in pairs, but named with the name of one(f.ex. front wheel will be the union of the 2 front wheels)use front gear, left gear,nose gear for these complexes, left gear leg, right gear leg and nose gear leg for the suspensions.connect gears with legs and legs with the suitable wheels(in wheels pair pivot must be centered). put the gear animations in same frame(1-10), and in separate for the suspension animations11-20 for nose gear, 21-30 for left gear, 31-40 for right gear),but they strangely have to be inverted to function as they should :) . check if the animations in the model are the same described at the wheels in data file.for last have a look at data file to see where the gears are connected:i prefer to connect them directly to declared meshes ( fuselage) but they must be declared as systems to the piece[Fuselage]------SystemName[001]=NoseGear, SystemName[002]=LeftGear,SystemName[003]=RightGear.i hope that resolves many issues
  12. ID(io)Ts....................

    ragazzi questa volta ci siamo messi in acque profonde....cerchiamo di mettere in vita alouette 3, pit incluso....per il momento l'elicottero vola con un ibrido di inis, tutto da svillupare.abbiamo fatto pure il pit, pero per motivi ignoti non lo posso vedere...avete dei consigli?
  13. well, the differences between the army version and the navalised are few.i have just to cancel the radar and put the "elephant ears", as u said.then, i have to find some photos to see what they mounted on.i find some of the as-11 missile rails, and some with the gunner at the left door.i think it won't be difficult put together these items :-).my real concern is the flighrt model
  14. these are the wips of Aerospatiale Alouette III asw.....but i have a question: torpedos can hit submarines in the game?sonars can act as sensros?
  15. i think u will be interested for this birdie
  16. Happy Birthday NGHENGO

    happy birthday, buddy!may your wishes come true!
  17. a mission against " transformers"? :) lol
  18. remaning on"what if"........a reworked f15
  19. control the hierarchy!!!!have a look at su 27 inis.!!!!!! also, make sure that u have a wing connector between the fixed and the movable part of the wing, in order to animate it for the parked effect.don't animate the external wings and elevators in closed position
  20. it seems to me like a defected lod.as like as the left wing is moved towards, or exists a second one!!!
  21. we have some issues to resolve, but i think u gonna love it....soko g2 Galeb

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