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Posts posted by aleks

  1. the same story every time that french try to sell an aircraft.....

    first of all, they sell in high price, secondly, they sell also the entire arsenal to make the planes capable.third, their upgrades cost at least haf the cost of the original plane, and for last, they try to buy the older mirage 2000 at scrapped -price, to re-sell them all over the world.

    dassault rafale is a very capeable aircraft, with various armament and very effective.personally i prefer it from ef 2000 or even su27 -f 15.the real cost reaches 100 million usd for each plane.india has to buy all the missiles and bombs to make it operative, just because the existing ones from mirage 2000 doesn't fit !!!! then, for sure, french goverment doesn't accept the joint production for the plane,something that india will not accept for sure,seeing on the amount in investiment.for 72 ef 2000 the saudi arabians will create an entire aircraft factory!and then comes the upgrade for the airframes in about 20 years of service, in extremely high cost, if there should be ever...

  2. well, my friend, i think that many things can be less complicated if u u se the existing ini from the f94b.first of all take good care and look at ther f94 b inis, to see how to nominate various elements such as surfaces, members and moving parts.then u can find lots of help about the weapon loading and loadout from many experts in here.somebody with higher skills on ini editingcan help u in order to change some aircraft data and have a more realistic flight model.things can be easy, don't bother and have fun on creating the old-good starfire

  3. eh, amici miei, questa e la forma brutta del capitalismo, licenziare la gente non perche la ditta presenta danni, ma solo perche i proffiti sono bassi!!!!! e poi parliamo di uno studio in cui furono creati simulatori di avanguardia, da punto di vista tecnologico.....non scordero mai la serie starlancer-freelancer e l'indimenticabile crimson skies!!! :'(

  4. firstly, this is a new max construction or a modify of a texture, in an existing building?

    in the first case, seems that the front is not mapped. in the second case, perhaps u changed the analysis of the texture ex.from 512 x512 to 2048x2048, or using a wrong file format, or multilayered format(not flattened psd image).the image size is also a trap, try to not change the resolution to a bigger value than the old one

  5. once i saw in a journal review, that us navy in the late sixties gave, unoficialy, about 6 f4 b to IAf , in order to use in case of extreme emergency. the planes were fully capeable to use nuclear bombs, the famous "weapons of the Temple ", a capacity not present in export models of all the types.this capacity of arming nukes, is provided by special circuits and arming consoles.For example,here, in greece, the nato nuclear force was based in f104 until 1992, despite the presence of more modern and capeable types, such as f4e, mirage f1 and a7 and later f16 and mirage 2000.all the types above had not any arming panels for this type of attacks

  6. i thought once making a real cold war scenario, a "silver bullet".in this case, apparently in late 70's-early 80's i immagined a preventive hit in order to stopussr or usa on launching satelites in the famous"star war"scenario

    targets could be the columbia shuttles in theilr launch bay, and the buran shuttles also!to be frank, the space shuttles could be ground targets. we have all the interceptors of the times and most of the bombers.i think somebody can make the start or join efforts with many of us, in order to have a real hard and interesting add-on!!

  7. the few users of mig 23 bn claimed the high cost of mantaining in service, as the first excuse that caused the retirement of their fleet.asicaly, the mig 23 was a complicated flying machine, with elevated costs of maintenance, something that became worse in the early '90s.the mig27 variant was a mecanically simplified version.i have to admitt, if the india had problems of mantaining the fleet, having all these years a production line for mig 23 and 27, immagine other countries such as Bulgaria which were based only in russian supplies....

  8. hi blackbird! thanks for the good words.the point is that lavi is stil incomplete.as for the extra antennas, i think that some real sufa photos can help.nevertheless, as we all know, no one from the real single-seater lavis were ever delivered for tests, so my single seater is purely a what if project.meanwhile i try to set ani ini file, too difficult for a delta-canard conformation(basing in existing ones is really impossible!!)

  9. thanks guys for the good works...but the lavi issue is a tough ini question.any help is welcome!!

    p.s. as u see, i made a single version.i used the 3 d plans of the existing prototypes, and some issues from artwork regarding the single-seater version.i believed that the two versions didn't present many differences exept the nose area.it is purely a "what if" airplane, and please forgive any mistakes made .


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