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Everything posted by Erwin_Hans

  1. Optical A-A mode That's interesting. I will try that
  2. Happy Birthday ST0RM

  3. If I use a Auto-Flap such as F-16?
  4. About films and productions

    I really love Mirage 2000s in Skyfighters. They are so beautiful. And,there a Russian film called Mirror wars is also good stuff for Russian Fighter fans
  5. Really great MiGs that is so sexy for we MiG fans
  6. mig-31m.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  7. Su-37Pit.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  8. Happy Birthday Gr. Viper

    С днем рождения!
  9. <We from the future>

    We from the future (Мы из Будущего) Trailer here,bring you back to WWII. :pioneer: BTW,if someday you go back WWII,what will you do?
  10. Su-30KN Later,you can get it here! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8125
  11. Now here is Chinese's new year. Happy new year to all Russian----Chinese best friend. Поздравления с Новым Годом!
  12. As we know Su-27/30 Familly F-15E Pit J-10 J-11B? Mirage2000C/2000-5 Update And: Maybe:Rafale C,Fullback,Viper E/F pit,F-22Pit,New J-7E/G?
  13. Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!

    Happy Chinese New Year all!
  14. Flanker Familly.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP


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