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Everything posted by Erwin_Hans

  1. Oh.....sorry...........I havn't got WOI.......
  2. Any way to build a 3D-afterburner?
  3. Find them by Google earth:http://www.gearthhacks.com/dlfile26513/Rus...ration-team.htm Yes...as what we saw.................... They got
  4. Russian Knight_Su-35_T-10M.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  5. Su-27SMK.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  6. As I said, sevearl aircarft,one pit.
  7. I'd like this pit................
  8. Su-37PIT

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  9. Thanks....... But......are you sure that Su-35BM and Su-27SM2 are not one aircraft.... Any news? And I'v got a pic form google earth show the Russian Knights equiped a Su-27 with canards.So,that must be Su-35(T-10M]?!
  10. No....I think Su-35BM's nose is litte bigger?
  11. And..........XRAY,you will like this.........
  12. Su-37

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  13. F/A-18F Update

    Good work! Thanks your help! I just wonder if I could get more time to fix it.
  14. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=30703 Su-27SM WIP And how is your Su-35BM?
  15. It's my view.....Two Flankers,one Cockpit
  16. You know.........adding a canard is not a hard work :yes:
  17. su-27Sm new

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  18. SU-27SM

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  19. This is the best news :yes:
  20. E/F-18G DATE INI is WIP,and we need a E/F-18G's skin. Also some infors
  21. E/F-18G skin

    How can I write this......... NormalMissionRadius=??? MaxMissionRadius=???
  22. Good work........ F-117's 3D model is complete AH-64's 3D model is almost complete

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