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Everything posted by Erwin_Hans

  1. J-8/J-8I and J-7E/G/PG will soon realesd. J-10 and J-8IIs is also in consider Some pics J-7E/G/PG Airgurad J-8/J-8I Finback J-10 in Lock On,We will also use this model. J-8II Model
  2. It seems F-7Ms without radar........
  3. File Name: J-8 Finback File Submitter: Erwin.Hans File Submitted: 6 Jan 2008 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft and Variants File Version: 1.00 Website: No Information J-8 (Jian-8 Fighter aircraft 8) / F-8 The J-8 was the first PLAAF aircraft of domestic design, with design work beginning in 1964. The overall configuration is a rather straightforward enlargement of the MiG-21/J-7 layout to accomodate two engines. Although it resembled Mikoyan's experimental Ye-152A, contrary to some early reports, it was not based on that aircraft. Production began in December 1979, with about 100-150 units of the first configuration entering service. Design work on the improved J-8-2 began in 1980, with production beginning in the late 1980. As with the cancelled "Super 7" upgrade to the single-engine J-7, the J-8-2 completely reworks the front end of the aircraft, adding a much larger radar and ventral air inlets, along with various other less pronounced improvements. The best that can be said of the J-8 is that once upgraded it will be no more than an advanced obsolete aircraft, comparable in configuration and aerodynamic performance to the Su-15 FLAGON. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here to download this file
  4. J-8 Finback

    The one hits EP-3 is J-8II
  5. J-8 Finback

    I don't know all the fly model of J-8s,that is a old eough secret. For some thing,such as how fast it can break in a speed, these are all gussed........
  6. A,J-10 is almost not a lavi.......at most 60%'s Lavi........ B,J-10's pit is more like F-16C's or F-18A's
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyGYfa-GtZs Here is lots of PSs......... For me,a Chinese..... I don't think the J-14[if J-14 is powerful such as or litter better than F-22]will service before 2025. When J-14 can "fight" I think it is 2030. I can say it clearly....The Pics of J-14 in 10 years must be Potoshoped .........
  8. The "author" said it was Photoshoped forem F-22
  9. I found this MiG 1.44 today,maybe it will can fly one day.
  10. J-8 Finback

    This is just a "time problem".
  11. Yes It mst better than MIG-21MF [Fly longer,turn faster,more loadout,maybe 2 X R-23+2/4 R-60]
  12. J-8 Finback is realesd You can download the red bird here : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780 ://http://forum.combatace.com/index.ph...howfile=5780
  13. Some pics of J-XXs They are all made form the Factory of Photoshop...... Just my look.. I do not think this will better than Su-27SK This...won't be sleath..... This one.......Mix of J-10 and F-35.......looks cool,but why a sleath with so many loadout? If the wing is not a problem,than with on pit must be a big problem........ By the way....I don't think this can fly.........
  14. J-8 in few days.Maybe today J-7s also in few days,but not for today.
  15. I think J-10 is 40% J-9 +60% Lavi........ For EF-2000,I think they are just a litter "similar". J-9 Project,similar to J-8II Lavi,similar to F-16
  16. For COCKPIT.INI [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=CockKfirC7 Position=0.0,4.5,0.4 Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 ViewAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 MaxPitch=89 MinPitchFront=-50 MinPitchRear=-38 LightRange=1.5 LightInnerConeAngle=50 LightOuterConeAngle=60 LightAngles=0.0,-25.0,0.0 DiffuseLightFactor=0.5 NightLightOn=0.25 NightLightColor=0.6,0.3,0.4 Gunsight=GunsightFront Maybe this is right......
  17. Some one did a J-10 Mod for Lock On. This time he said he will make a J-10 for WOE
  18. Merry Christmas too. By the way are you Jap?
  19. I found a link with many Area88 Skins,maybe usefull http://www18.tok2.com/home/fuyake/A88DL.html By the way,my loading music is "Mission".It is cool! Some PICs of the link
  20. I'v downloaded this J-7/F-7 pack by gerald14,these birds are cool,but there is also some mistakes For the J-7IIA/J-7IIM/J-7M/J-7MP/J-7P/J-7MB/J-7N,These can be used by one modle But not similar to the typical mig-21f/f-13s.The pilot tube of J-7I/F-7A/J-7II/J-7B are longer and under the nose.But the for J-7IIAs,is short and on the side of the nose. For the J-7Es,They are based on J-7IIA,and with double delta wings. Some Pics J-7 I/II http://www.afwing.com/images/j7/J7II.jpg J-7 IIA http://www.afwing.com/images/j7/j7iib.jpg J-7E http://www.afwing.com/images/j7/10.JPG Wait for more Chinese birds..
  21. By the way,the J-8/J-8I Finback will soon be released
  22. No...I'v seen the "Info For the J-7E and later types are thirdwire's Mig-21F-13 models not new ones, since a harddrive crash I lost the J-7 models but not my MiG-21's. Once I start doing the models, I will upload them." But this is just for J-7E and later types,but not for J-7IIA,this is also the reason I wirte J-7IIA series more. Still thanks gerald14

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