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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Here are my first missions Minus me getting my arse shot off!
  2. man I'm getting shot down like Nam '72 over Hanoi the many different types of sam's make it...interesting!
  3. WTF? Now THAT is some SAD ish!!
  4. The medals award screen is Great!
  5. I don't think so...our Eagles were all over them like a cheap suit!
  6. Goodies? man I'm too busy dodging sams and running from fulcrums to even notice anything lol I'll try to open my eyes next time :blink:the radio traffic is a nice touch. the pits are great and to see the escorts pick up the most pressing threats first is great!
  7. The Iraqis are a MUCH tougher advisary in this mod than in the real conflict!
  8. for sure...and then some!
  9. 4 years ago...

    Same to you my friend!
  10. Airliners.net

  11. Zombies ahead

  12. Zombies ahead

    Flame thrower time!! With the Chainsaw back up!!
  13. 4 years ago...

    Nuff said! Thank you!
  14. Ok send him a PM. I'm using XP so i'm not getting the problems.
  15. 4 years ago...

    The Journey to retirement starts with your first enlistment! Great job keep up the fine work! Thank you for your service. U.S. Army 1978-93
  16. There is now a SF2 Knowledge Base Thread with all the info from Pfunk. I believe your answere is there. It is called 'Strike Fighters 2 notes'
  17. I tried that but the problems remained, so I did some reading and question asking and found that life is just easier if I used only one. and the one i used had all the stuff i needed and wanted and it was a breeze to install.
  18. That subject is above our pay grade!
  19. Meaning:I downloaded multiple weaps packs to the same game and had serious issues with the weapons showing up in the game.
  20. With the latest patch some mods work and some that have not been updated may not.
  21. I've modded my F-4s to carry EVERYTHING lol the CA community weaps pack is the way to go for me it has it all! on strike missions my Rhinos are in a class by them selves! you can easily mod the weps and years to your liking in SF.
  22. only the primary can be locked or lased for LGB's unless you have a target pod ot lase pod

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