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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Man I thought I was the only one...
  2. Ricardo Montalban dies at 88

    I liked him as Kahn in the star trek movie RIP
  3. NATO air power has successfully halted the Soviet advance. Although not all the terms have been agreed upon, there are agreements by both sides on general terms of the proposed peace settlement. Peace is at hand.As the NATO ground forces retreat across the Rhine, NATO air forces resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons to try to stop the Soviet army. Soviet forces retaliate in kind, and the war goes full nuclear...Operation Red Lightning: September 18, 1979. With Western civilization seemingly in decline and Communist ideals spreading around the globe, General Secretary Brezhnev decides the time is ripe to extend Soviet hegemony to the rest of Europe. Assured of success by the Soviet military against the US forces still suffering the effects of Vietnam War and Watergate, he orders the Warsaw Pact forces to liberate West Germany. NATO force scramble to defend Europe. peration Red Lightning: September 18, 1979. With Western civilization seemingly in decline and Communist ideals spreading around the globe, General Secretary Brezhnev decides the time is ripe to extend Soviet hegemony to the rest of Europe. Assured of success by the Soviet military against the US forces still suffering the effects of Vietnam War and Watergate, he orders the Warsaw Pact forces to liberate West Germany. NATO force scramble to defend Europe. On #d, elements of the #u, equipped with #a, is being forward deployed to #b to take part in this Operation.
  4. [CampaignData] StartDate=09/18/1979 StartDateDeviation=0 EndDate=11/01/1979 ForceWithInitiative=2 MaxMissions=30 NormalMissionRate=1 NormalMissionRateDeviation=1 OffensiveMissionRate=1 OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=0 StartScreen= StartText= CampaignBaseScreen= CampaignEndWinScreen=CampaignWin.bmp CampaignEndLoseScreen=Loser1.bmp CampaignEndStallScreen=Winner1.bmp CampaignEndWinText=woe2Win.txt CampaignEndLoseText=woe2Lose.txt CampaignEndStallText=woe2Win.txt Here you go! I hope i did it right
  5. All Day Desert Storm

    On National Geographic channel they are showing Desert Storm and Shock and Awe! I've been watching it since 11am
  6. It doesn't go anywhere once you extract it it stays in the objects folder you can make changes as you like but it does not go back
  7. WOE WeaponData INI

    First eagles has its own weaps and it would not be named WOE use the cat extractor to get the weaponsdata ini file from the objects cat filealso read the knowledge base
  8. WOE WeaponData INI

    You don't WOE weaps don't apply to 1st Eagles
  9. Don't the Varks usually bomb with pavetac and LGB's? There was a post last year on how to install ccip into the F-4E as requested by me when I cried about the Rhino not having a ccip
  10. That wingman extreme looks sweet!
  11. All of the above posters are correct in that you should buy the sim and never cheat TK out of anything he has blessed us with these sims and the ability to mod them at no cost please buy the game
  12. Typhoon,alfa, oscar, 212 and more!

    I too really liked FC and Harpoon Gold. I'm waiting for any type of sim like those!!
  13. Good for you! Hey get your flight stick online and you won't have these problems Happy hunting!
  14. I have a Logitech Attack 3 inexpensive and not a single problem in 2 years of service
  15. I use the latest CA community weaps pack and I have all the mavs, jdams, SDB's Paveways, harpoons tactic rainbows, ALL the goodies im patched to oct 08 on all my WO*
  16. Dave said that the E-raven will be doing SEAD the pic shows it carrying HARM's I'm loving it!

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