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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. I use the latest weaps pack from the CA community simple read me and simple install with all the weaps you need its a no brainer! and I use it on all the WO* titles all patched to oct 08
  2. See where it says fire primary guns= control L that is your answer you can also change the weaps control in the options menu in the game
  3. F-4_AUP, F/A-18F, F-15E, F-16
  4. Do the same thing to you PRIMARY guns assign you primary guns to your trigger on your flight stick you ARE using a flight stick right? assign your a2a and a2g weaps to the #3 and #4 buttons on your flight stick it makes combat a LOT easier
  5. The Pres of USA gives MOH to IDF pilot? Great job anyway.
  6. Thank you for your time and effort! I know It is not easy to make missions or campaings.
  7. Looking forward to some bridge busting and dropping some command and control buildings!!
  8. TornadoMissedZU23100.JPG

    Tornado missed but the Zsu did not
  9. That would right, your fulcrum vs at least 10 eagles? hmmm...
  10. Great job to all on the first F model, Great work on this second Supa Hornet!!
  11. agreed my bad I was such a noob when I first saw the The Varks I could not understand how to get them to work and being a fanatic mud mover I loved them right away and was frustrated that I did not know how to follow the read me correctly.
  12. The vark package in the download section is difficult to work with and was never updated,The pits have to be added from a different folder as well as the avionics and there are like 5 birds to work on
  13. Finally a fully functioning Raven no more adding pits and avionics etc...!
  14. no weap pak, a combined item list needing no pack, I read this on page one of this thread
  15. I'd better get cracking on yet another clean and patched WOE!
  16. See that tab above at one o'clock high that says downloads? open it then open WO* see the add on skins? open it
  17. This is great news! you know that someone will ask again about weps pack and planes even though you have already informed them as to what the install will have.

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