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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    we did carry many versions of the M4
  2. The Person Below Me

    False I love filet o fish! The person below me has been shot down 5 times in WOE
  3. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    I can see by the barrel that it is not for longer range work but it looks well suited for House to house, room to room stuff, I saw a similar profile on this weapon from Mac (Future Weapons). BTW Short Barrel with a sight hmm...
  4. Cleveland Rocks!

    There are a lot of sad Giant fans tonight, The good news is that it is just one loss...so far.
  5. Under fire in my own backyard

    And God is my Jumpmaster!
  6. Day-Glo.JPG

    Holy ish! What a blast!!
  7. Truck Busting.JPG

    That Truck bustin looks GREAT!!
  8. Under fire in my own backyard

    Some of us make our own cloud
  9. Under fire in my own backyard

    Even on Good days it is a killer drive from there to down here! Be safe!!
  10. Bad To The F'ing Bone!!! Ammo Bunker is officially on notice!
  11. MAVs Baby.jpeg

  12. 6 Hits Baby!

  13. Under fire in my own backyard

    Keep on point and stay alert! Down here in Ontario, Ca. we are watching and praying for you up there. I have friends in the Pasadena, Altadena area.
  14. We make our own sun, but the nuc is still the best!
  15. last one til next SEAD mission
  16. as i have learned you can set the types off missions your TFS will do I always set mine to 90% Strike and 90% SEAD and set all the other types to 0%
  17. To get in right click on the icon and then go to properties and change the compatibility to 98once you do that then left click the icon and it will open then you can hit the open button and see all the weaps or add more or import etc...
  18. Right on point! And your examples are why I Prefer Mud Moving because you know that the target will be defended to some degree so no boring stuff once you get near the target and sometimes just trying to GET to the target is a nightmare!
  19. Winders are good out to 2 or 3 miles so just turn inside as fast as your Hawg will go and let loose a winder as he is blazin away from you. And try to make him come down stairs in the weeds with you. (Full throttle in the turn)
  20. Wow! I have NO problem Out turning or turning inside of any mig due to the slow speed of the Hawg, and with all the punishment the Hawg can take, I just get low and when they come down to get me, I just let loose with a GAU burst, Try to get the migs to loose energy down there with you then turninside of them and WHAM!
  21. Correct way to eat a Burger?

    Fo' Sho' Bro!
  22. Correct way to eat a Burger?

    AMEN!! (a fork and knife?) That does NOT fly here in the states!

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