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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Now that is Frickin AMAZING!!
  2. Wild Weasels

    If We cant laugh at ourselves then we cant laugh at anyone.
  3. Wild Weasels

  4. Nice work! Now my Phantom has freash meat!
  5. I did the same to my 'Special' WOE all my JDAMS, SDB's, PaveWay III's, AMRAAM's and Python 4's not to mention HARM's, SLAM Harpoon's All gone SIGH!!
  6. New Members

  7. New Members

    I THOUGH I smelled some Gas inducing mixture.
  8. New Members

    Dan Ackroyd would love this!
  9. AA 2.8.4 is out

    Well alrighty then!!
  10. Happy Birthday Dels and Pappy

    Happy B-Day!!
  11. With the cost of food here, I'll be needing some of those Yak Burgers!!
  12. Send a PM to PFUNK and see what he says or to Dave
  13. it is in the pull down menu in single mission default is Germany but you should be able to choose the terrain you justdownloaded make sure you read the read me file that comes with the download
  14. Thanks Mate! The Scooter can dress up a bit now!
  15. Thanks to everyone serving!

    We Serve Freely and Willing! My Heart goes out to all those that have paid the ultimate price so we may live!
  16. Oh Baby YES! (In Two Weeks?)
  17. He makes weapons that make the bad guys go bye bye!
  18. I took some screen shots and now i need to know how to upload them for the screen shot of the month I did a search and checked the kb but nada could some one please point me in the right direction? i got it
  19. Curses thoose Darn, Pesky, BVR shootin Eagles!
  20. Wow! That is cool ,but, then again Mr.Cargo is a 'Cut above the rest'
  21. it was my understanding that the new patches allowed for BVR engagements by the player and the AI. I sometime use the harpoon missle at 60nm and BOOM! down goes a ship

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