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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. There are many addon campaings that have the Tomcat in it and is flyable, or you can just mod one of the stock campaings and put the tomcat in.
  2. With the new patches it is doable as long as you have all the stock terrains and stuff in the target game, The strike fighters series was not issued a patch so that is NOT possible
  3. Does anyone know why WOV will not "see" any changes made to the stock campaings? I extracted the missiondata.ini and changed the F-4E that is in the 555th (Linebacker II) to a F-4ES(start date 1971) and saved the changes but when i start the campaing it is still a F-4E I have made these same changes with success in user made campaings.
  4. THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! It works!! Czech6 Your the Man!! Thank you!!! My mistake was saving instead of save as. WHOAH!!
  5. Man, thanks a lot! I will follow your lead to the LETTER! WHOAH!!
  6. Well, I followed the instructions and still no joy. BTW, the things listed on how to make the changes is how I made the changes in SF Gold and in user made campaings. I dont understand why it does not work in WOV or WOE. I even added chaff to the F-4 used in WOE and WOV and it does not show up in any of the stock campaings that use the F-4E.
  7. Thank you for your help i will make these changes today.
  8. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy B-day! Hey Now!!
  9. I want to change the f-4E of the 555th in the Linebacker II (late '72) to a F-4ES because she has chaff. I have followed all the posts and instructions, but, when i start the campaing it says my plane is a F-4ES, but, in the load out screen it is still a regular stock F-4E. this is just for the player air unit 555th I do not know how to post the changes for anyone to look at sorry im not that smart
  10. ok here is one that is doable; The ability to edit the stock campaings in WOV and WOE WITHOUT all the extracting, making a copy of this and that, re-writing ini stuff, re-naming, praying and crying. Hey Now!
  11. I too have edited the stock SF gold campaings with no problem but it is in the WOV and WOE that I'm havingbig troubles with. All I wanted to do was to have a F-4 that has chaff in linebackerII, I even edited the F-4e and added chaff but the campaing does not even "see" that! Man! what sadness
  12. still a no go! Has anyone managed to edit a stock campaing? have you replaced a plane with another? anyone at all?
  13. ok idid the editing on the second one, so now i have to put the new file in the matching folder? ok i will try it and thanks for the help
  14. Great work! Will she work with the new patch?
  15. Check the knowledge base on weaps delivery, free fall bombs require a semi-complex formula to hit things. the smaller the target the harder it will be to hit it from certain altitudes, factors like speed, wind, altitude, size of bomb, Angle of attack all come into play
  16. Ok, I now have a CLEAN and patched install of WOE and WOV (no weaps pack on either) What can I do next? Can any planes be added? tilesets? terrains? campaigns? Is it safe to add stuff OTHER than weaps pack?
  17. Tank round question

  18. Rgr that I'm really not into too many games, I'm waiting for a Harpoon type navel sim to be made
  19. Man! what did your system cost? what kind of monitor you running? what is the contrast ratio? 3000 to 1 ? jeez
  20. I installed the weap pack on a clean, 08 patched, install no mods so i'll try this again without a weap pack
  21. I have tried everything in the KB AND followed the posted instructions on how to get the weps to show up but still nothing. Can ANYONE assist me? This is for WOE with 'The Patch'
  22. I do have the weapons folder and i used the latest weap editor and still nothing soooo i'l just start again with yet a nother install and NO weap pack

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