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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Also The AI in WOI is much better than all the other titles so what you were used to doing in WOV and WOE won't really be that easy in WOI
  2. some are better than others and the newer planes have chaff that confuse the missle. depending on the plane you are in, the 'in range' signal should light up. I use the F-4 a lot and i get good hits with aim-7e2 from about 15 miles out on a non- nimble plane the best way is to get in close and hose them with your gun or send a winder up his tailpipe from closer than 1 mile. also it is harder to hit a small nimble fighter than say a beagle or some other big plane.
  3. Check the download section and look in user made missions and campaings there are some that you can fly as the 'red' side. The code for these sims are modable and we have many modders that produce many things for these titles from small mods to entire giant campaings just look at all the sub sections in the down load section. also there is a payware site that you can purchase actual missions for WOV.
  4. Man aren't those raids over Hanoi a crazy scene? and in a 105? Whew!
  5. First there is a recent patch to WOI, Your other planes in your flight won't attack the primary target when you order them to engage, you can order your #2 to attack any target you select which frees you up to attack some thing else. Yes, there is a weapon pack for WOI. you can find it here or over at C5 site. as far as I know the weap pack has not been updated as of yet. Check the Knowledge Base for instructions on any other questions you have and im sure other more smarter members will give you better info on the questions i have attempted to answer.
  6. Well Stary my man you have done it again! Great work!! I just finished some mud moving and the effects are absolutly great!!
  7. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    omfg! I really needed that! That is waaayyy tooo funny!! Look at the two missles about to hit each other! and the one incomming lolololol
  8. Pathetic...

    As I read that article I just started to shake and almost lost it! My wife had to calm me down! I've have never heard of such f-in crap as that! Where in the fck do those mfin idots that call them selves a company get off with that bs? This is the kind of crat that makes me puke! I can not believe that there bags of **it that call themselves men that would do this! There has to be something that we can do collectively. I would be willing to do ANYTHING to bring these sacks of crap to some REAL justice! ANYTHING!
  9. 2 years to the War!

  10. R.I.P. Joseph Dwyer,

    Muesli, There are many of us here that have combat related problems the best thing is to reconise and talk to any of us if you feel the need to even if you don't feel the need talk to any of us at any time. PTSD is taking its toll on many of us and thanks to a strong support system; Wives, family and friends we can live a pretty normal life. I knew a few 91b's in my time of service. they are some of the bravest and caring men I have met outside my "community" in a long time. We will always be here for anyone that needs to talk. Jarhead1, for a Marine you are truly on point!
  11. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    Iran must be careful not to boast about weapons that have the range to hit Israel because we know that Our ally will take matters into their own hands and take out anything that even looks like it could be used against them!
  12. One for our Sailors...

    It is a Very moving and really hard not to get choked up. It is just so sad to lose men like him. RIP
  13. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    OMFG!! When will they learn?
  14. One for our Sailors...

    Rest In Peace The world needs more incredible Men like this! It is not surprising that he did what he did. Many men that serve in the more Elite side of things, display that 'Trait' that makes them stand out from other men in the services. I'm sure he was a SEAL even before he was accepted into their ranks. God Be With You!
  15. Let's play....

    I'm down...I'm free after 5pm mon tru thursday and all day friday thru sunday.
  16. Daylight disks

    That may be true, but, I may have been the sober one
  17. Daylight disks

    I must admit that I have kept two sightings to myself the 1st in 1978 in Tucson with a friend at night on South mountain. At first we thought it was a A-7 or A-10 but it just started to go straight up into the air with ZERO sound. Being a AF kid that LOVES anything airborne, we could tell RIGHT AWAY that it was not what we were used to seeing! after about 10 seconds it was just gone. The second sighting was in '05 I was in Berkeley in a park with a friend and while we were sitting on a table around 10pm I leaned back and looked up into the sky and I noticed a triangular shaped object moving down my line of sight, I only noticed that it was there because all the stars above it could not be seen, it was like a black hole on the move it had no lights and gave off ZERO sound. The main thing i remember about it was that it was very big and very fast and very black. I'm no ufo fanatic either but what i saw on those two occasions defy explanation and I've been around the AF all my life and while at Edwards saw some crazy things but NOTHING comes close to these things.
  18. California wildfires

    Yeah. We are on fire here pretty much every year, North, South and in between. You name it it has been on fire!
  19. Yes, we are very interested and waiting patiently. Rock on!
  20. Some of the pilots don't use the rockets much anymore, but your work is very good and useful.
  21. Every Mud-Mover should have one=CCIP,(IMHO)
  22. CCIP=Continuesly computed impact point AKA-'Death dot' It makes dropping dumb bombs a lot easier!
  23. WOW! A Tornado with a CCIP! How great is that?
  24. Plane Spotting

    And very blessed My friend!

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