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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Now THAT would be great! But I'm not savy enough to know if it is possible. Ask Wrench he'll know.
  2. Plane Spotting

    BTW Those are four GREAT reasons why we serve!
  3. Plane Spotting

    The 'Squad' looks ready for action! Is that a volunteer with hand raised? Lets move out team!
  4. Plane Spotting

    Great stuff My friend! I'm happy that your 'little squad' loved the planes and the whole experience. I can still recall my experience with my dad at many air shows and on base when his squad practiced or flew by. The first time I saw an F-4 and it has been love ever since!
  5. "Even Beagle's will shoot at you with their tail turret" Ain't that the truth! I made the mistake of getting too close to a what I thought was a defensless bomber(Beagle) from behind, only to have some green tracers(a lot) sent my way Now I used a much different angle and direction when tasked to take them down.
  6. Thank You MK2

    Please accept my humble 'thank you' for ALL the support, time and efforts to make this site the ABSOLUTE best and providing to us all the means to enjoy our love of flying! We ALL know that with out you it would not be what it is today!
  7. There is a cockpit data .ini edit that you do to remove it but i can't remember the name of the item that you remove.
  8. Are you runnin XP or Vista? Do you have the latest direct X? are you video drivers up to date?
  9. Yes. it is possible to remove it many of us have done it. Check the knowledge base or do a "search" to find the info i cant remember where i put the info when i did it.
  10. Thanks Dave it works great now! Time to move a little mud and ruin some Gomers day.
  11. I'm getting a error it says; Objects\aircraft\A-7C_MF\cockpit\A-7E_MF\cockpit.LOD file contains invalid data
  12. Rambling

    I'm so impressed by the real men that choose to do this kind of work. Rambler that was a great account of a milk run turned sour, Lunkhead RIP.
  13. Rambling

    That is ok by me. Whenever you post one you can bet I'll be there to read it
  14. It's Birthday time again...

    Happy B-day, One and all!!
  15. Hmmm...I could not find his site can you point me to it please?
  16. Another Tuskeegee Passes Away.

    I've heard many good pilots say that they "stand on the shoulders of giants" We have lost one of those Giants. God bless you "Chuck" RIP
  17. Yes you already know that we are waiting "Patiently" for the finished product! Great work my man!!
  18. The Nicest Thing...

    That is Great! I'm glad you got to experience 'that feeling' that makes it all worth while.
  19. Rambling

    I truly can't get enough of these narratives! Rambler you are one of a kind!
  20. Rambling

    Love the stories and play by play narrative!
  21. Back to the... well, past.

    Yes that is true, but, it shows me how and what not to do! You guys are great!
  22. Back to the... well, past.

    but i like old cheeze! lol
  23. Back to the... well, past.

    lol. seems like just yesterday...I was the FNG. You old timers have helped a lot over these past months.

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